Cenny Wenner wrote:

I hope my ignorance does not bother this list too much.

Regarding what or what may not be done through logical inference and other expressive enough symbolic approaches; given unlimited resources would it not be possible to implement an UTM with at most a finite overhead which in turn yields that any algorithm running on an UTM could also run on expressive enough symbolic systems, whether they "learn" or not? I do not argue that it is not inefficient, both for running and implementation speed. It's even so that the logical inference in such a case may be reduced entirely and proven to be more efficiently obviously, than to implement the system direcly on certain systems. I do not think however that such a strict and not well-formulated position is rationally justified since it's not clear (at least not to me) that the logical inference may be efficiently reduced for every algorithm expressed in the logical language. Just rambling and unrelated but perhaps the brain's operations do not even allow for UTMs since they are not so clear and there might not be appropriate transformations and if assume the Turing-Church thesis we might find that there are problems that artificial components may solve that humans cannot even given unlimited resources. Perhaps not very likely since we can simulate the process of an UTM by hand and even the errors may be corrected given enough time.

It's true that a Universal Turing Machine can calculate anything calculable. This doesn't mean it can do it with a reasonable efficiency. It doesn't even mean that it might not require an "infinite tape" to calculate something.

It's probably a bad idea to depend on either getting every part of your design right to start with, or on calculating everything. So an AGI starts from a place that isn't a blank slate, and learns from it's environment. It needs to be able to learn from examples and descriptions as well as from experiences, as some experiences are either "fatal" or "permanently crippling". Beyond that there's lots of disagreement as to the best way to proceed, but I think that everyone would agree with that summary.

Note that AGIs are intended to exist in the "real world", not in some abstract mathematical space, and therefore the presumption of infinite resources of ANY kind cannot be allowed. (This is also true of many mathematical spaces, of course, but the classic ones simplify things by assuming that infinities are allowable.)

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