--- a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Help me with the algorithm. Thank you

Dear "a" for anonymous (are you related to Ben?),

Before you worry about whether an AGI should be friendly or selfish or
religious, first you have to solve some lower level problems in language,
vision, hearing, navigation, etc.  You might make some progress in each field
but eventually you will run into the problem that you can't fully solve any of
the problems without solving all of them.  For example, images and sound
contain writing and speech, so you need to solve language.  Then, in order to
communicate effectively with a machine, it must have a world model similar to
yours, and a lot of this knowledge comes from the other senses.

After you have done that, then the next problem is that you are not building a
human.  You are building a slave.  Its sole purpose is to be useful to humans.
 A human body is not necessarily the best form for serving this purpose.  You
might build a robot with 4 arms and wheels for legs and sonar instead of
vision.  Or it might not have a body at all, or maybe thousands of insect
sized robots controlled as one.  The problem is that this creature will have a
world model that is nothing like yours, and that will make communication
difficult.  With currently available computers we cope with this problem by
inventing new terminology or by using existing words in new ways.  For
example, we talk about an operating system process as running or sleeping even
though it has no legs and does not dream.  Then there are other mental states,
like running in privileged mode, that have no equivalent in humans.

In humans, selfishness and friendliness and religion are secondary goals to
our main goal, which like all species, is to propagate our DNA.  For example,
religion achieves this goal by making taboo any form of sex that does not
contribute to making children.  Therefore, it is inappropriate to program
religion into an AGI whose goal is not reproduction, but to serve humans.  In
your AGI design, you need to choose an appropriate set of emotions and mental
states, inventing new ones as needed.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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