If you took an AGI, before it went singulatarinistic[sic?] and tortured it..
a lot, ripping into it in every conceivable hellish way, do you think at
some point it would start praying somehow? I'm not talking about a forced
conversion medieval style, I'm just talking hypothetically if it would
"look" for some god to come and save it. Perhaps delusionally it may create





From: Gary Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

An AI would attempt to understand the universe to the best of it's ability,
intelligence and experimentation could provide.


If the AI reaches a point in it's developmental understanding where it is
unable to advance beyond in it's understanding of science and reality then
it will attempt to increase it's intelligence or seek out others of it's
kind in the universe with greater knowledge and intelligence it somehow


Eventually eons in the future as the universe ages and entropy begins to
widely spread the AI in order to escape it's own demise and possibly the
demise of it's surviving now immortal creators it will attempt to avoid the
death of the universe by using it's godlike knowledge and science to create
a new universe and once it has initiated a big bang and sufficient time has
passed that inhabitable worlds exists in it's creation it would continue it
and it's creators existence in it's newly created universe.


If this level of intelligence, power, and creativity was ever achieved then
I think it would be hard deny that the AI posessed godlike powers and would
perhaps be deserving of the title regardless of what negative historical and
religious baggage may still accompany that title. 


Arthur C. Clarke's Law Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic.


My Corollary: Any sufficiently advanced being in possession of sufficiently
advanced technology is indistinguishable from a god.


>> Can you explain to me how an AGI or supercomputer could be God? I'd just
like to understand (& not argue) - you see, the thought has never occurred
to me, and still doesn't. I can imagine a sci-fi scenario where a 

supercomputer might be v. powerful - for argument's sake, controlling the
internet or the the world's power supplies. But it's still quite a leap from
that to a supercomputer being God. And yet it is clearly a leap that a large
number here have no problem making. So I'd merely like to understand how you
guys make this leap/connection - irrespective of whether it's logical or
justified - & understand the scenarios in your minds.

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