MT:>> Why are images almost always more powerful than the corresponding 
symbols? Why do they communicate so much faster?

  Um . . . . dude . . . . it's just a bandwidth thing.

  Vlad:Because of higher bandwidth? 

  Well, guys, if the only difference between an image and, say, a symbolic - 
verbal or mathematical or programming - description is bandwidth, perhaps 
you'll be able to explain how you see the Cafe Wall illusion from a symbolic 

  A symbolic description of the above will only describe a set of parallel 
lines and rectangles - and there will be no illusion.

  (You could also try a similar exercise with some of the other illusions 

  Or you might try a symbolic description of the Mona Lisa, and explain to me, 
how I will know from your description that she is smiling. You see if you take 
that image to pieces  - as you must do in forming a symbolic description - 
there is no smile!:

  And perhaps you can explain to me how you will see the final picture on any 
fully-formed jigsaw puzzle from just the pieces at the very beginning. Take a 
picture to pieces - and you don't "get" the picture any more. 

  Like I said, we are extremely ignorant about how images work.  (I'll explain 
more another time - but in the meantime, maybe Vlad can explain to us how and 
where the information that is lost in the above examples, is encoded.).

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