On Apr 30, 2008, at 11:41 AM, Matt Mahoney wrote:
By distributing the problem across the internet.  AGI can be divided
into lots of specialized experts and a network for getting messages to
the right experts.  http://www.mattmahoney.net/agi.html

There are a few problems with your model that need to be fixed before it is legitimately viable, though you do acknowledge some of them in the paper:

1.) The protocol design is naive and will not scale up to the level you think it will, simplifying away by assumption topology characteristics where deviations from the assumption will have a major impact. There are no general, computable solution to the underlying issues (neither in literature nor in unpublished research that I know of), and you gloss over or do not consider problems that would have a pathological expression if you actually tried to build it. This is an important and active area of mathematics research in a couple different fields.

2.) There is nothing in published literature that will do the kind of indexing you want to do in the spatial domain, but it is possible in theory. For your purposes in the broadest sense, things like kD-trees will drop dead for pretty trivial systems, never mind for something ambitious. On the other hand, generalized distribution with O(n) storage complexity was solved last year which may or may not address your issues.

I think the real killer will be #1, as it has the hallmarks of being a Hard Problem. We had a really simple approximation for routing and resource optimization that worked well in the early days of network applications, but modern network application models break the assumptions. Perhaps relevant for you, a lot of the active theoretical research in this area surrounds the problem of massive distributed and decentralized spatial structures, though not for the purposes you are thinking about.

J. Andrew Rogers

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