On 5/7/08, Stefan Pernar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   What follows are wild speculations and grand pie-in-the-sky plans without 
> substance with a letter to investors attached. Oh, come on!

Um, people, is this list really the place for fielding personal insults?

For what it's worth, my two cents: I don't always see, off the bat,
why Richard says something or holds a particular opinion, and as I
don't see the inferential steps that he's taken to reach his
conclusion, his sayings might occasionally seem like "wild
speculation". However, each time that I've asked him for extra
details, he has without exception delivered a prompt and often rather
long explanation of what his premises are and how he's arrived at a
particular conclusion. If that hasn't been enough to clarify things,
I've pressed for more details, and I've always received a clear and
logical response until I've finally figured out where he's coming

I do admit that my qualifications to discuss any AGI-related subject
are insignficant compared to most of this list's active posters (heck,
I don't even have my undergraduate degree completed yet), and as such
I might have unwittingly ignored some crucial details of what's been
going on From what I've been able to judge, though, I've seen no
absolutely reasons to dismiss Richard as "dogmatic", "irrational" or a
"wild speculator". (At least not any more than anyone else on this

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