
On 6/15/08, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Steve: 1) This is EXACTLY where reverse reductio ad absurdum logic enters
> the picture.Most (all?) persistent conflicts reduced to some absurd and
> apparently irresolvable argument. ...2) simply drill down into EXACTLY what
> they think
> Statement 1 is almost ridiculous. How many conflicts did logic ever
> resolve? Even Descartes had contempt for logic.

You ****COMPLETELY**** missed my point! *Reverse* reductio ad absurdum logic
is only ~8 years old and has yet to be tried on any persistent conflict.

> Science is full of conflicts. Evolution happened by a) natural selection b)
> Lamarckism c)...   Intelligence  is a matter of a) genes b) nurture c)
> practice.  Cancer is due to etc. etc.   Use logic to resolve any of
> science's conflicts... Puh-lease.

The problem here and elsewhere is the use of forward-only reasoning. Perhaps
you remember your differential equations class (that I almost flunked)?
There, you had to propose a solution that there was no direct way to derive,
and then prove that you had indeed found the correct solution. I used a
(early analog) computer to plot these out so I could better guess the
solutions. This sort of inductive logic is MISSING from most people and AGI

There are some logic principles that transcend tractable proof or the
ability to acquire in a reasonable-length lifetime. Certainly, any of the
unsolved math problems fall into this category. Reverse reductio ad absurdum
is one such principle. The verbal "proof" is relatively simple, but this
still defies formulaic proof. Note in passing that professional negotiators
believe that there is always a "win-win solution" in every conflict. Reverse
reductio ad absurdum simply supports this and guides the way to finding
those win-sin solutions.

> Statement 2 though has promise...

Yes - once you drill down into religious disputes, they pretty much fall

Steve Richfield

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