On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 6:12 AM, Steve Richfield
> Perhaps we could create a short database (maybe only a dozen or so entries)
> of sample queries, activities, tasks, etc., that YOU would like to see YOUR
> future AGIs performing to earn their electricity.

The approach I have in mind is to start with reasoning about
algorithms, so possible tasks for a medium-term AI might include:

Prove simple theorems.
Given a formal specification, write a program that meets it.
Given the rules of a game, write a program that can play it with modest skill.
Design cellular automata to carry out a given task, or estimate
whether a given CA has certain properties or can be made to do certain
Estimate a lower bound for values of the busy beaver function for small N.
Analyze the correctness of a program relative to a formal spec.

In the longer term, once it gets to the point of being able to
usefully handle visual/spatial information, its capabilities might

Searching photographs without being limited to human labeling.
Design of physical artifacts.
Checking of human-created or machine-assisted designs.
Watching a security camera feed, ignoring benign activity but alerting
a human operator in the event of suspicious activity.
Programming robots to carry out tasks in e.g. transport and construction.

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