2008/7/3 Vladimir Nesov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 10:45 AM, William Pearson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Nope. I don't include B in A because if A' is faulty it can cause
>> problems to whatever is in the same vmprogram as it, by overwriting
>> memory locations. A' being a separate vmprogram means it is insulated
>> from the B and A, and can only have limited impact on them.
> Why does it need to be THIS faulty? If there is a known method to
> prevent such faultiness, it can be reliably implemented in A, so that
> all its descendants keep it, unless they are fairly sure it's not
> needed anymore or there is a better alternative.

Because it is dealing with powerful stuff, when it gets it wrong it
goes wrong powerfully. You could lock the experimental code away in a
sand box inside A, but then it would be a separate program just one
inside A, but it might not be able to interact with programs in a way
that it can do its job.

There are two grades of faultiness. frequency and severity. You cannot
predict the severity of faults of arbitrary programs (and accepting
arbitrary programs from the outside world is something I want the
system to be able to do, after vetting etc).

>> I don't get what your obsession is with having things all be in one
>> program is anyway. Why is that better? I'll read knowability of FAI
>> again, but I have read it before and I don't think it will enlighten
>> me. I'll come back to the rest of your email once I have done that.
> It's not necessarily better, but I'm trying to make explicit in what
> sense is it worse, that is what is the contribution of your framework
> to the overall problem, if virtually the same thing can be done
> without it.

I'm not sure why you see this distinction as being important though. I
call the vmprograms separate because they have some protection around
them, but you could see them as all one big program if you wanted. The
instructions don't care whether we call the whole set of operations a
program or not. This, from one point of view, is true at least while
it is being simulated the whole VM is one program inside a larger

  Will Pearson

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