
On 9/4/08, Vladimir Nesov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 12:02 PM, Valentina Poletti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Also, Steve made another good point here: loads of people at any moment
> do
> > whatever they can to block the advancement and progress of human beings
> as
> > it is now. How will those people react to a progress as advanced as AGI?
> > That's why I keep stressing the social factor in intelligence as very
> > important part to consider.
> No, it's not important, unless these people start to pose a serious
> threat to the project.

Here we are, lunch-money funded, working on the project with the MOST
economic potential of any project in the history of man. NO ONE will invest
the few millions needed to check out the low hanging fruit and kick this
thing into high gear. Sure, no one is holding guns to investors' heads and
saying "don't invest", but neither is it socially acceptable to invest in
such directions. That social system is crafted by the Christian majority
here in the U.S. Hence, I see U.S. Christians as being a THE really SERIOUS
threat to AGI.

> You need to care about what is the correct
> answer, not what is a popular one, in the case where popular answer is
> dictated by ignorance.

As Reverse Reductio ad Absurdum shows ever so well, you can't even
understand the answers without some education. This is akin to learning that
a Game Theory solution consists of a list of probabilities, with the final
decision being made as a weighted random decision. Hence, there appears to
be NO prospect of an AGI being useful to people who lack this sort of
education, as nearly all of the population and all of the world leaders now
lack. Given a ubiquitous understanding of these principles, people are
probably smart enough to figure things out for themselves, so AGIs may
not even be needed.

Most disputes are NOT about what is the "best answer", but rather about what
the goal is. Special methods like Reverse Reductio ad Absurdum are needed in
situations with conflicting goals.

The Koran states that most evil is done by people who think they are doing
good. However, Christians, seeing another competing religious book as itself
being evil, reject all of the wisdom therein, and in their misdirected
actions, confirm this very statement. When the majority of people reject
wisdom simply because of its source, and AGIs must necessarily displace
religions as they identify the misstatements made therein, it seems pretty
obvious to me that a war without limits lies ahead between the Christian
majority and AGIs.

Steve Richfield

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