One thing I think is kind of notable is that the bot puts everything
it says, including phrases that are invented or mutated, into a
personality database or list of possible favourite phrases, then takes
six-axis mood assessments of follow-ups to its interjections, uses
them to modify a mean score for the phrase, and prunes or clones it
accordingly. This list can be searched a lot faster than the list of
every unique phrase the bot has seen, and should statistically come to
contain mostly phrases that make people like it. However, at 1GHz
ConceptNet's mood assessment method is prohibitively slow...

I haven't moved on to the context sensitivity and common-sense stuff
that's in there. The natural-language module (ConceptNetNLTools)
contains everything I'm using and seems to take over 100M in RAM
alone. ConceptNetDB though seems to be worth opening up next.

By using irclib with ConceptNet (both for Python) I can let the bot
accrue a potentially unlimited database of up-to-date phrases, indexed
by chronology and unique parts of speech, and from them extrapolate
salient replies. Since the process is novelty-seeking, I think you'd
reach a point where the training corpus ceases to expand except for
current events and new terms. Whether this would take 4G or 40G of RAM
I can't say yet, but the process obviously is not fast.

The bot's heartbeat is incoming messages on the channels it's on, and
it doesn't posess faculties for reflection or induction. By mimicking
humans and watching the moods of people around it to assess its
success and modify its behaviour, it ought to be able to pass as human
without having most of the internal processes that characterize one...

I don't know if there's a lesson here.

Eric B

On 9/7/08, Eric Burton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- snip ---
> [1220390007]<<< receive << [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> bootris, invoke mathematica
> [1220390013]>>> told >> #love > cool hand luke is like a comic heroic jesus
> [1220390034]<<< receive << [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> bootris, solve russell's paradox
> [1220390035]>>> told >> #love >  invoke mathematica
> [1220390066]<<< receive << [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> he's invoking mathematica
> [1220390089]<<< receive << [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> he's invoking mathematica. bootris, solve russell's paradox
> [1220390090]>>> told >> #love >  solve russell's paradox
> [1220390096]<<< receive << [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> he's invoking mathematica. bootris, solve russell's paradox. bootris,
> yes
> [1220390097]>>> told >> #love > Or make her laugh then tell her shes
> not good for when you say that like its going to learn islenska.
> --- snip ---
> Honestly it wasn't trivial getting to this stage

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