On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 2:28 PM, Jiri Jelinek wrote:
> If you talk to a program about changing 3D scene and the program then
> correctly answers questions about [basic] spatial relationships
> between the objects then I would say it understands 3D. Of course the
> program needs to work with a queriable 3D representation but it
> doesn't need a "body". I mean it doesn't need to be a real-world
> robot, it doesn't need to associate "self" with any particular 3D
> object (real-world or simulated) and it doesn't need to be self-aware.
> It just needs to be the 3D-scene-aware and the scene may contain just
> a few basic 3D objects (e.g. the Shrdlu stuff).

Surely the DARPA autonomous vehicles driving themselves around the
desert and in traffic show that computers can cope quite well with a
3D environment, including other objects moving around them as well?


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