On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 9:48 PM, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> [snip] We understand and think with our whole bodies.

Mike, these statements are an *enormous* leap from the actual study of
mirror neurons. It's my hunch that the hypothesis paraphrased above is
generally true, but it is *far* from being fully supported by, or understood
via, the empirical evidence.

> [snip] these are all original or recently original observations about the
> powers of the human brain and body which are beyond the powers of any
> digital computer. You claimed never to have heard an original observation
> here re digital computers' limitations -  that's because you don't listen,
> and aren't interested in the non-digital and non-rational. Obviously a pet
> in a virtual world can have no real body or embodied integrity).

It seems that your magical views on human cognition are showing their colors
again; you haven't supplied any coherent argument as to why the hypothetical
function of mirror neurons (skills empathy with and mimicry of other
embodied entities or representations thereof) could not be duplicated by
sufficiently clever software written for digital computers.


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