
Ben has made a really wonderful offer here:

On 10/18/08, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I will make one more attempt to address your objections.  **If and only
> if** you will be so kind as to summarize them in a compact form in a single
> email.   If you give me a numbered list of your objections against my
> approach to AGI and other similar approaches, in which each objection is
> summarized in a few dozen words at most, then I will respond by summarizing
> my reaction to each of your objections.

I am not the expert in many/most of these and quickly bow to the talents of
other here. Please help me assemble this list by responding to this posting
with short summary descriptions of your objections (as I think everyone
already knows the details), and please AVOID cross-discussions on this
thread. Then, I can combine these items into the organized list that Ben has
offered to respond to, and which others here may wish to respond to.

To get this ball started, I have posted below a single item, more to
illustrate formatting than to advance a particular viewpoint. *Please DO NOT
COMMENT on this item*, at least not on this thread, unless of course, you
can state this more clearly or based on better facts.


*Algorithmic Difficulty: Evolution favors the simplest workable solutions to
challenges. There are ~200 different types of neurons in the human brain,
which would seem to be an indication of the number of different types of
manipulations needed to "think". The absence of any one of these would seem
to delegate a system to sub-human performance. This would seem to preclude
any sort of simplistic algorithm to exceed what neurons now do.*

Of course, this list will only be a starting point, as the responses will
doubtless start other discussions, uncover other feasibility challenges,
etc. Ultimately, valid challenges will constrain future approaches, and
invalid challenges will be uncovered as such. At least with this list and
Ben's responses, it will finally be possible for other participants to
assess for themselves whether various approaches are likely to work. With
luck, this might even draw some lurkers here into the thick of coding to
deftly avoid these challenges and finally succeed in making a working AGI.

 Thanks for your help in pulling this together.

Steve Richfield

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