On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 2:33 AM, Samantha Atkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmm.  After the recent discussion it seems this list has turned into the
> "philosophical musings related to AGI" list.   Where is the AGI engineering
> list?

The problem isn't philosophy, but bad philosophy (the prevalent
variety). Good philosophy is necessary for AI, and philosophy in some
sense always focused on the questions of AI. Even if most of the
existing philosophy is bunk, we need to build our own philosophy.
Frankly, I don't remember any engineering discussions on this list
that didn't fall on deaf ears of most of the people not believing that
the direction is worthwhile, and for good reasons (barring occasional
discussions of this or that logic, which might be interesting, but

We need to work more on the foundations, to understand whether we are
going in the right direction on at least good enough level to persuade
other people (which is NOT good enough in itself, but barring that,
who are we kidding).

Vladimir Nesov

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