Hi all,

My commitment is with OpenCog at the moment - but this looks like a
really cool project/job that may suit some of you on this list :)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jennifer Devine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 10:40 PM
Subject: Job offering Astro-naughty!

Hey Joel
I thought you might want to take a look at this job offering.  I know
you are more into the AI stuff...but heck getting to build cool robots
sounds like fun. My friend Vytas works at Nasa and gets to do some
crazy cool stuff.  If you know anyone who need a job and has the
skills send it on to them .


Here is the post from Vytas:

Since there are a number of technical folks in this community, I'm
spreading the word that I'm looking to hire two people into my lab at
One of the jobs is for an experienced software developer who does not
need to have a robotics background (the other job assumes robotics

I've posted the job descriptions on my website:


And, if you want to see pictures of the systems you would be playing
with, you can see pictures from the field test we did this summer (this
is fun for everyone to see)
It really did have a lot of similarity to BurningMan -- dusty harsh
desert environment and a bunch of freaks working hard to keep their
high-tech art projects working.

Please forward this to anyone who might be interested!  The group here
has a nice critical mass of freaks and is amazingly flexible in how you


Vytas SunSpiral                 www.sunspiral.org
         It's Good to be here!
   Love - Bass - Earth - Chaos - Flow
I will not tiptoe cautiously through life only to
        Arrive safely at death.

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