2008/11/2 Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Computers were used
> quite narrowly to analyze the value of mortgage backed securities - and
> everybody knew that is what they were doing. They had some bad HUMAN
> assumptions.

Calculation errors can be corrected, but to really screw things up
requires a human in the loop - along with all their biases, crazy
emotions, short term linear thinking and capacity for self-delusion.

I agree with most of these pundits that the financial troubles were
not really the fault of trading programs, although the use of such
programs allows trading decisions to be arrived at and executed more
quickly, amplifying the positive feedback effects when things do go
wrong.  Another factor which helped to leverage the housing bubble was
the systematic use of mass media.  For the last few years popular TV
shows depicted people of average incomes buying and/or developing
properties (including second or third homes in foreign countries)
which in previous decades would have been far beyond their means.  I
don't really watch the "old media" at all, but I'm told that all those
TV shows have since been taken off air.  People were actively being
encouraged to take on more and more debt, whilst average earnings were
not rising at anything like the same rate.  Sooner or later something
had to give.

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