2008/11/30 Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
>> I have proposed a problem domain called "function predictor" whose
>> purpose is to allow an AI to learn across problem sub-domains,
>> carrying its learning from one domain to another. (See
>> http://www.includipedia.com/wiki/User:Cabalamat/Function_predictor )
>> I also think it would be useful if there was a regular (maybe annual)
>> competition in the function predictor domain (or some similar domain).
>> A bit like the Loebner Prize, except that it would be more useful to
>> the advancement of AI, since the Loebner prize is silly.
>> --
>> Philip Hunt, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> How does that differ from what is generally called "transfer learning" ?

I don't think it does differ. ("Transfer learning" is not a term I'd
previously come across).

Philip Hunt, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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