Linas Vepstas wrote

First my answers to Antonio:

>>1) What is the role of Digital Evolution (and ALife) in the AGI context?

The nearest I can come up with is Goertzel's virtual pre-school idea,
where the environment is given and the proto-AGI learns within it.
It's certainly possible to place such a proto-AGI into an evolving
environment. I'm not sure how helpful this is, since now we also need
to make sense of the evolving environment in order to assess what the
agent does.

But that's far from the synthetic life approach, where environment and
agents are usually not that much pre-defined. And from those synth.
approaches I know about, they're mostly concerned with replicating
natural evolution, adaption, self-organization a.s.o. Some look into
the emergence and evolution of cooperation, but that's often very low
level and more interested in general properties; far from AGI.

>>2) Is it possible that some aspects of AGI could self-emerge from the
>> digital evolution of intelligent autonomous agents?

I guess it's possible. But I guess one won't come up with a mechanism
that works in an AGI system but with interesting properties of an AGI
system. Most "intelligent agents" are faked, not really cognitive or
so. In a simulation you see how agents develop/select strategies and
what works in an (evolutionary) environment. Like (wild idea now) the
ability to assign parts of its cognitive capacity to memory or processing
depending on the environmental context (more memory in unchanging and
more processing in changing environments). Those properties could be
integrated later as a detail of a bigger framework.

>>3) Is there any research group trying to converge both approaches?

My best ad-hoc idea is to scan through the last year's alife conference
program, look for papers that are promising, contact the authors and
ask whether they are into AGI or know people who are.

One of the topics was artificial consciousness and I saw several
papers going into this direction, often indirectly. Like the "Swarm
Cognition and Artificial Life" paper on p.34 or the first poster on

Now to Linas' part:

> Seems like there could be many many interesting questions.

Many of these are specialized issues that are researched in alife but
more in social simulation. The Journal of Artificial Societies and
Social Simulation

is a good starting point if anyone is interested.

cu Jan

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