2009/5/20 Sean Hunt <ride...@gmail.com>:
> Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:
>> coppro                 3  3  6  3  7  0  2  2  1  1  4  2      34
>> 18 May 2009 00:00:00 - coppro +D gained points, +D# awarded points, +E
>> judgment, +F# weekly duties, +C# AI=2 +G# X>Y=0
> CoE: AI=2 is not a condition for the gaining of a Note, and I never
> gained a C# note.
> I publish an NoV accusing Tiger of violating the 1-power Rule 2143 by
> publishing that I possessed 1 more C# note than I did in eir most recent
> Conductor's Report.
I contest this. AI=2 was my mistake, it's supposed to read II=2.
Nevertheless, you did get an II=2 proposal passed, number 6257,
gaining you a B note, which was transposed two semitones to a C#. So
the note holdings are correct, but the history is not. I will note the
correct method of gaining notes in subsequent reports though.


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