Proposal: Resolution cleanup (AI=3, II=0)

Amend rule 955 to read as follows:
      After an Agoran Decision's voting period ends, it has an outcome
      (syn. "the <appropriate noun> chosen by Agora").

      (a) If there is more than one available option, and the number
          of distinct voters who submitted valid ballots is less than
          quorum, then the outcome is FAILED QUORUM, regardless of the
          remainder of this rule.  Otherwise, the decision achieved

      (b) If the decision has an adoption index, then the voting index
          is the ratio of the strength of FOR to the strength of
          AGAINST.  If the voting index is greater than 1, and greater
          than or equal to the decision's adoption index, then the
          outcome is ADOPTED; otherwise, the outcome is REJECTED.

      (c) Otherwise, the outcome is the option with the most votes, not
          counting votes of PRESENT. In case of a tie, the vote
          collector SHALL select one of the leaders as the outcome. If
          there are no options, the outcome is null.

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