I submit the following proposals:

Proposal: Prime Minister
Author: Henri
AI: 1

Add the following to Rule 2423 "First Among Equals":

     The Prime Minister CAN dismiss an officeholder by announcement.
     When the Prime Minister dismisses an officeholder, the
     officeholder ceases to hold the office. The Prime Minister is
     encouraged to state the reason for dismissal.

     The Prime Minister CAN assign a player to an office. When the
     Prime Minister assigns a player to an office, the player becomes
     the officeholder.


Proposal: Motion of No Confidence
Author: Henri
AI: 1

Create the following Power-1 Rule named "Motion of No Confidence":

     Any player can cause the office of Prime Minister to become
     vacant with 2 Agoran Consent by publishing a message with the
     character string "MOTION OF NO CONFIDENCE" in the subject line.



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