I throw 23 shinies at Agora. 


> On Sep 25, 2017, at 9:41 PM, Aris Merchant 
> <thoughtsoflifeandligh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 8:50 PM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
>>> On Mon, 25 Sep 2017, Owen Jacobson wrote:
>>> * The reward for authoring or pending a successful proposal pended with 
>>> shinies is 1 sh.
>> Ok, so as much as I understand the assessor's lateness, I suspect it cost me
>> personally a fair purse of shinies.  I'm at the point where I'm ready to 
>> call the
>> entire wildly-adjusting and oscillating"system" frustrating guesswork and
>> gambling to tune out of it entirely, voting to just keep AP and be happy with
>> a couple actions a week.
> Economic reform goals:
> 1. Keep everything stable. I'd say we also need to keep things
> interesting, but frankly everyone could use a bit of boringness right
> now. This is impacting the workloads of several officers (meaning we
> have to do our work in bursts) and is ruining stability and financial
> planing. IMHO, this is is also the biggest flaw in at least two
> proposals, Shiny Weather and Hot Potato, which would both actually
> reduce stability in the markets.
> 2. Keep Agora solvent. Another major flaw in most financial proposals.
> At least half of any wealth from taxes should go to Agora. Yes, that's
> right, half. I know this is going to be unpopular, but wealth
> redistribution will not actually create a good financial system unless
> rule based rewards work. This is the upside of "print money" style
> proposals, which people vote against primarily because they're
> applying too much real world economics (not that people need to vote
> for them, see the next sentence, but I think they vote against for the
> wrong reasons). The disadvantage of that kind of proposal is that
> they're short term fixes that don't solve the underlying problem. I'm
> starting to think that a two tier tax might be best. A wealth
> redistribution tax would be placed on the rich, while a public tax
> would be levied on all but the poor.
> 3. Redistribute wealth. Yeah, this is third. No, that isn't a mistake.
> Every self-respecting economic reform proposal does this, but it's
> actually rather pointless without the other two. Until those happen,
> shines aren't a stable form of value.
> Temporary fix (mandatory charity): I have 48 shinies. I pay Agora 16
> shines. All players, but especially o and P.S.S SHOULD give Agora 1/3
> of their shinies, receiving nothing in exchange. I pledge to publish a
> list of who has and has not done so. I also pledge that if I judge the
> response of the community to be insufficient, I will submit and pend a
> proposal levying a tax upon all players.
> -Aris

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