8008: FOR and 8009: FOR.

8008 is a particularly good one, whoever made it must've been very smart
and good-looking.

On Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 2:19 AM, Gaelan Steele <gael...@icloud.com> wrote:

> AGAINST 8008. ASCII art is more convenient and doesn’t require rules
> support.
> PRESENT 8009. I like my design (less abstract, larger but sparse map)
> more, but this is a well-written, interesting proposal I don’t feel
> justified in voting down.
> Gaelan
> > On Feb 4, 2018, at 5:02 PM, Aris Merchant <thoughtsoflifeandlight17@
> gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
> > Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
> > pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
> > quorum is 3.0, the voting method is AI-majority and the valid options
> > are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are conditional
> > votes).
> >
> > ID     Author(s)    AI   Title                       Pender      Pend fee
> > ------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------
> > 8008*  CB [1]       1.0  Picto-Nomic                 CB [1]      3 sh.
> > 8009*  Trigon, [2]  2.6  PAoaM v6 [3]                Trigon      3 sh.
> >
> > The proposal pool is currently empty.
> >
> >
> > [1] CuddleBeam
> > [2] Aris, ATMunn, G., o, VJ Rada
> > [3] Putting Agora on a Map v6
> >
> > Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending.
> >
> > A proposal may be pended for 3 shinies.
> >
> > The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.
> >
> > //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> > ID: 8008
> > Title: Picto-Nomic
> > Adoption index: 1.0
> > Author: CuddleBeam
> > Co-authors:
> >
> >
> > Create a new rule called "Picto-Nomic" (Power=1.0) with the following
> text:
> >
> > Rules may have their content be, instead of text, images, or urls to
> them,
> > with these linked images being considered to be that rule's content for
> > play. These are known as "Picto-rules".
> >
> > //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> > ID: 8009
> > Title: Putting Agora on a Map v6
> > Adoption index: 2.6
> > Author: Trigon
> > Co-authors: Aris, ATMunn, G., o, VJ Rada
> >
> >
> > [ PART I: Removing and Changing Stuff ]
> >
> > Repeal rule 2500 "Action Points".
> >
> > Amend rule 2445 "How to Pend a Proposal" by replacing the second
> > paragraph and subsequent list with:
> >
> >  Any player CAN flip a specified proposal's imminence to "pending"
> >  by announcement by spending 1 paper.
> >
> > Repeal rules 2483 "Economics", 2487 "Shiny Supply Level", and 2497
> > "Floating Value".
> >
> > Re-enact rule 2599 "Welcome Packages" by replacing the second paragraph
> > with:
> >
> >  If a player has not received a Welcome Package since e most
> >  recently registered, any player CAN cause em to receive one by
> >  announcement.
> >
> >  When a player receives a Welcome Package, Agora creates the
> >  following assets in eir possession:
> >
> >    1. 10 coins
> >    2. 5 lumber
> >    3. 5 stones
> >    4. 10 apples
> >    5. 3 papers
> >
> > Make all players eligable to recieve Welcome Packages.
> >
> > Create a new rule "Paydays" (Power=2) and amend it so that its text
> > reads, in full:
> >
> >      Whenever a Payday occurs, the following events happen in order:
> >
> >  1. For each entity possessing shinies, half of eir shinies
> >     (rounded up) are destroyed.
> >
> >  2. The following assets are created in the possession of each
> >     player:
> >     A. 10 coins
> >     B. 5 apples
> >     C. 3 papers
> >
> >  3. For each office, if a single player held that office for 16 or
> >     more days in the previous month and e was not issued any Cards
> >     other than Green for eir conduct in that office during that
> >     time, the following assets are created in the possession of
> >     that player:
> >     A. 3 coins
> >     B. 1 corn
> >
> >  The occurrence of Paydays is secured.  At the beginning of each
> >  month, a Payday occurs.
> >
> > [PART II: Making Land]
> >
> > Re-enact rule 1993/1 (Power=2) "The Land of Arcadia" with the text:
> >
> >  Arcadia is a land entirely defined by the Arcadian Map (the Map).
> >  The Map is the term for the set of all Land Units.
> >
> >  The Map divides Arcadia into a finite, discrete number of Units of
> >  Land, or simply Land. Each Unit of Land is an indestructible asset
> >  specified by an ordered pair of integers known as its Latitude and
> >  Longitude.
> >
> >  Every unique ordered pair of integers within the limits defined in
> >  the Rules for Latitude and Longitude signifies an existent Unit of
> >  Land. No other Units of Land exist. Units of Land CAN only be
> >  created or destroyed by changing the limits of Latitude and
> >  Longitude defined in the Rules.
> >
> >  All values for Latitude and Longitude MUST lie between -9 and +9,
> >  inclusive.
> >
> >  The Total Land Area of Arcadia is the number of existent Units of
> >  Land defined by permissible Latitude and Longitude pairs.
> >
> > Re-enact rule 1994/0 (Power=2) "Ownership of Land" with the text:
> >
> >  Any existent Land for which ownership has not been explicitly
> >  changed belongs to Agora.
> >
> >  Land belonging to Agora is called Public Land. Land belonging to
> >  a contract is called Communal Land. Land belonging to any other
> >  entity is called Private Land. Together, Communal Land and Private
> >  Land are called Proprietary Land.
> >
> > Re-enact rule 1995/0 (Power=2) "Land Types" with the text:
> >
> >  Each Unit of Land has a Land Type switch, tracked by the
> >  Cartographor, whose values are "Black", "White", and "Aether" (the
> >  default). Changes to Land Type switches are secured. To "change
> >  the type" of, or to "transform" a Unit of Land is to flip its Type
> >  switch. A “Unit of X” is a Unit of Land whose Land Type switch has
> >  the value X.
> >
> >  When existent Land has not had its Type changed as explicitly
> >  permitted by the Rules, or has a Type that is not currently
> >  defined by the Rules, it is considered to have the Land Type of
> >  Aether. Rules to the contrary nonwithstanding, Units of Aether
> >  CANNOT be transferred from Agora, or owned by any entity other
> >  than Agora. If Proprietary Land becomes Aether, the Cartographor
> >  SHALL transfer it to Agora in a timely fashion.
> >
> >  Type is a singleton switch with the values of Black and White,
> >  defaulting to Black. When an act specifies that an alternating
> >  land type is to be used, the current value of the Alternating Land
> >  Type switch is used, and the switch is set to the next value of
> >  the switch.
> >
> > Re-enact rule 1996/3 (Power=1), renaming it to "The Cartographor" with
> > the text:
> >
> >  The Cartographor is an office; its holder is recordkeepor for the
> >  Land of Arcadia.
> >
> >  The Cartographor's Weekly Report shall include:
> >
> >  1. the ownership and land type of all existing land;
> >  2. all changes in the ownership and land type of existing land
> >     since the most recent report;
> >  3. the location for the previous week and the current week of each
> >     entity with a defined location;
> >  4. the next alternating land type;
> >  5. all facilities and their parent land units; and
> >  6. a list of all preserved land units.
> >
> > Re-enact rule 1998/2 (Power=1) "Land Topology" with the text:
> >
> >  Two Units of Land are Adjacent if they have the same Latitude, and
> >  their Longitudes differ by exactly one; or they have the same
> >  Longitude, and their Latitudes differ by exactly one.
> >
> >  Land Unit A is said to be connected to Land Unit B if it is
> >  possible, to reach B by moving only to adjacent Land Units of the
> >  same color, starting from A.
> >
> > Re-enact rule 1999/0 (Power=1) "Entity Location" with the text:
> >
> >  Location is a player switch, tracked by the Cartographer, whose
> >  values are ordered pairs of integers where the first value is a
> >  valid Latitude, and the second is a valid Longitude. The default
> >  Location is (0, 0).
> >
> >  To "move" a player is to flip that player’s Location switch to the
> >  Latitude and Longitude of the destination.
> >
> >  No other Entity can have a location unless it is defined in a rule
> >  other than this one. Changes to the Location of an Entity are
> >  secured. If an Entity is specified by this Rule as having a
> >  defined Location, but its Location has not been explicitly set or
> >  changed, its Location is set to (0, 0).
> >
> > Re-enact rule 2003/11 (Power=1) "Actions in Arcadia" with the text:
> >
> >  Players CAN destroy:
> >
> >  1. 1 apple to move from one Land Unit to an adjacent Unit if their
> >     Land Types are the same and the destination is not Aether;
> >
> >  2. 2 apples to move from one Land Unit to an adjacent Unit if
> >     their Land Types differ and the destination is not Aether;
> >
> >  3. 2 apples to set Land Type of a Land Unit which e owns to any
> >     Land Type other than Aether, whether or not e is located at
> >     that Land Unit.
> >
> >  4. 3 apples to set the Land Type of a Land Unit that is adjacent
> >     to the Entity's current location, is of type Aether, and is
> >     owned by Agora, to an alternating Land Type.
> >
> >  5. 4 apples to set the Land Type of a Land Unit that is adjacent
> >     to the Entity's current location, is of type Aether, and is
> >     owned by Agora, to a Land Type of eir choice.
> >
> >  6. 6 apples to set the Land Type of a Land Unit that is of type
> >     Aether, and is owned by Agora, to an alternating Land Type.
> >
> >  Players CAN, while performing the above actions, substitute 3
> >  apples for 1 corn.
> >
> > Re-enact rule 2004/3 (Power=1) "Land Auctions" with the text:
> >
> >  Every Agoran Week, if the number of units of Private Land is less
> >  than one half the total number of units of Land, an auction SHALL
> >  be initiated. For this auction, the announcer is the Cartographor,
> >  the auctioneer is the Cartographor, the lots are chosen as such:
> >
> >  1. if there exist at least 3 Units of non-Aether Land in the
> >     possession of Agora: any 3 such Units of Land, to be chosen by
> >     the Cartographor, each Land Unit in a separate lot;
> >
> >  2. if there exist fewer than 3 Units of non-Aether Land in the
> >     possession of Agora: all such Units, each land unit in a
> >     separate lot;
> >
> >  and the minimum bid is 1 coin.
> >
> > Re-enact rule 2022/5 (Power=1), renaming it "Land Transfiguration" with
> > the text:
> >
> >  During the second Eastman week of each Agoran Month, the
> >  Cartographor SHALL perform the following actions in sequence, and
> >  report these changes:
> >
> >  1. Every Land Unit, excluding (0, 0) that is not directly
> >     connected to a unit of Aether, or is not connected by its own
> >     type to a unit of Aether, shall be transformed to Aether.
> >
> >  2. Any entities whose locations are on land units so transformed
> >     shall have their locations set to (0, 0).
> >
> >  3. If any land unit so transformed is not property of Agora, it
> >     becomes property of Agora.
> >
> > [PART III: Creating Facilities]
> >
> > Create a new rule (Power=2) "Facilities" with the text:
> >
> >  Facilities are liquid assets tracked by the Cartographor. In order
> >  for a facility to exist, it MUST be built on a Land Unit. Only one
> >  facility is allowed per Land Unit. The Land Unit on which a
> >  Facility is built is considered its Parent Land Unit.
> >
> >  A player CAN create a facility by announcement on the land unit e
> >  is on by specifying which type of facility e intends to build and
> >  destroying the build cost.
> >
> >  If a player owns any facilities with upkeep costs, e must pay them
> >  before the first day of the next Agoran month. Failing to do this
> >  destroys the facility. In the second to last Eastman week of the
> >  Agoran Month, the Cartographor SHOULD issue a humiliating public
> >  reminder to all those who have not paid upkeep fees on any of eir
> >  facilities.
> >
> >  If the ownership of the Parent Land Unit of a Facilty is changed,
> >  that facility is transferred along with it.
> >
> > Create a new rule (Power=2) "Asset Generation with Facilities" with the
> > text:
> >
> >  When facilities create assets, the assets are added to the
> >  facility's possession. The rule that creates a facility CAN
> >  specify a carrying capacity for assets. If, at any time, the
> >  amount of an asset in the possession of a facility exceeds that
> >  asset's carrying capacity, an amount of that asset is destroyed
> >  until the amount of that asset in the possession of the facility
> >  is equal to its carrying capacity.
> >
> >  Each facility is either a production facility or processing
> >  facility, to be specified in the rule that creates them. At the
> >  end of every Agoran Week, Agora creates a number of assets in a
> >  production facility specified by the rule which creates the
> >  facility.
> >
> >  At the end of every Agoran Week, Agora destroys any refinable
> >  assets in the possession of each processing facility that that
> >  facility can change into refinable assets and replaces them with a
> >  corresponding number of refined assets to be specified by the rule
> >  that creates the facility.
> >
> >  A player can take a number of assets from a facility's inventory
> >  by announcement if eir location is the same as the facility's and
> >  the following criteria are met:
> >
> >  1. if the facility is built on Public Land, none.
> >
> >  2. if the facility is built on Communal Land, e must be a party to
> >     that contract and the text of the contract must permit em to do
> >     so.
> >
> >  3. if the facility is built on Private Land, e must own the
> >     facility, or the owner must have consented.
> >
> > Create a new rule (Power=2) "Facility Ranks" with the text:
> >
> >  Rank is a facility switch tracked by the Cartographor defaulting
> >  to 1. Its possible values include all integers between 1 and 5,
> >  inclusive.
> >
> >  A player CAN increase the rank of a facility e owns that is at eir
> >  location by exactly 1 by announcement by paying any upgrade costs
> >  of the facility for that specific rank.
> >
> > Create a new rule (Power=2) "Production Facilities" with the text:
> >
> >  For the purposes of this rule, the variable n is equivalent to the
> >  rank of the facility.
> >
> >  The following facilities are defined as production facilities:
> >
> >  1. Mines
> >     -  Build Cost: 5 lumber
> >     -  Upkeep Cost: 2n-2 lumber
> >     -  Production Details: 3n stones and 2n ore
> >     -  Upgrade Costs:
> >        -  Rank 2: 3 coins, 2 lumber
> >        -  Rank 3: 4 coins, 4 lumber
> >        -  Rank 4: 5 coins, 4 lumber, 3 stones
> >        -  Rank 5: 6 coins, 6 lumber, 6 stones, 2 fabric
> >
> >  2. Orchards
> >     -  Build Cost: 5 stones
> >     -  Upkeep Cost: 2n-2 stones
> >     -  Production Details: 3n apples and 3n lumber
> >     -  Upgrade Costs:
> >        -  Rank 2: 3 coins, 2 stones
> >        -  Rank 3: 4 coins, 4 stones
> >        -  Rank 4: 5 coins, 4 stones, 3 lumber
> >        -  Rank 5: 6 coins, 6 stones, 6 lumber, 2 fabric
> >
> >  3. Farms
> >     -  Build Cost: 3 lumber and 4 stones
> >     -  Upkeep Cost: n-1 lumber and n-1 stones
> >     -  Production Details: 3n corn and 3n cotton
> >     -  Upgrade Costs:
> >        -  Rank 2: 3 coins, 1 lumber, 1 stones
> >        -  Rank 3: 4 coins, 2 lumber, 2 stones
> >        -  Rank 4: 5 coins, 4 lumber, 4 stones, 1 fabric
> >        -  Rank 5: 6 coins, 6 lumber, 6 stones, 3 fabric
> >
> > Create a new rule (Power=2) "Processing Facilities" with the text:
> >
> >  For the purposes of this rule, the variable n is equivalent to the
> >  rank of the facility.
> >
> >  The following facilities are defined as processing facilities:
> >
> >  1. Refineries
> >     -  Build Cost: 4 lumber and 8 stones
> >     -  Upkeep Cost: n^2+2 coins
> >     -  Processing Details: 1 ore to 2n+3 coins
> >     -  Upgrade Costs:
> >        -  Rank 2: 5 coins, 2 lumber, 3 stones
> >        -  Rank 3: 6 coins, 4 lumber, 4 stones
> >        -  Rank 4: 7 coins, 4 lumber, 3 stones, 3 fabric
> >        -  Rank 5: 8 coins, 6 lumber, 6 stones, 4 fabric
> >
> >  2. Mills
> >     -  Build Cost: 6 lumber and 6 stones
> >     -  Upkeep Cost: n^2+2 coins
> >     -  Processing Details: 1 lumber to 2n+3 paper
> >     -  Upgrade Costs:
> >        -  Rank 2: 6 coins, 3 lumber, 3 stones
> >        -  Rank 3: 7 coins, 4 lumber, 5 stones
> >        -  Rank 4: 8 coins, 5 lumber, 5 stones, 3 fabric
> >        -  Rank 5: 9 coins, 6 lumber, 7 stones, 5 fabric
> >
> >  3. Looms
> >     - Build Cost: 8 lumber and 4 stones
> >     - Upkeep Cost: n^2+2 coins
> >     - Processing Details: 1 cotton to 2n+3 fabric
> >     -  Upgrade Costs:
> >        -  Rank 2: 6 coins, 3 lumber, 2 stones
> >        -  Rank 3: 7 coins, 4 lumber, 3 stones, 3 fabric
> >        -  Rank 4: 8 coins, 5 lumber, 4 stones, 5 fabric
> >        -  Rank 5: 9 coins, 6 lumber, 5 stones, 7 fabric
> >
> > [ All the values in this section are experimental; feel free to contest
> >  any or all of my decisions. ]
> >
> > Create a new rule (Power=2) "Economics" with the text:
> >
> >  The following currencies are defined, and are tracked by the
> >  Treasuror. They can be owned by Agora, players, contracts, and
> >  facilities.
> >
> >  1. ore
> >  2. stones
> >  3. lumber
> >  4. apples
> >  5. cotton
> >  6. corn
> >  7. coins
> >  8. papers
> >  9. fabric
> >
> > [ Probably not all of these will be managed by the Treasuror, but it all
> >  depends on where the discussion takes us over the next few days.]
> >
> >  Stones, apples, and corn are considered unrefinable currencies;
> >  ore, lumber, and cotton are considered refinable currencies; and
> >  coins, papers, and fabric are considered refined currencies.
> >
> >  Coins are the official currency of Agora.
> >
> > Create a new rule (Power=2.6) "Preserved Land" with the text:
> >
> >  Preservation is a boolean land switch, defaulting to False. The
> >  preservation switch CAN be set in a regulation promulgated by the
> >  Cartographor without 2 objections. A Land Unit with its
> >  preservation switch set to True is considered a preserved Land
> >  Unit. A Land Unit with its preservation switch set to False is
> >  considered an unconserved Land Unit.
> >
> >  Changes to the Land Type or ownership of a preserved land unit
> >  are secured at a power threshold of 2.5.
> >
> >  Any Facilities built on a preserved land unit CANNOT have their
> >  rank changed or be destroyed, rules to the contrary
> >  notwithstanding.
> >
> > [ PART IV: Starting off the Map]
> >
> > Set the land type of all the following land units to White and set their
> > preservation switch to True:
> >
> > (-1, -2), (-1, -1), (-1, 0), (0, -2), (0, -1), (0, 0), and (+1, -2).
> >
> > Set the land type of all the following land units to Black and set their
> > preservation switch to True:
> >
> > (-1, +2), (-1, +1), (0, +2), (0, +1), (+1, +2), (+1, +1), (+1, 0), and
> > (+1, -1).
> >
> > Create the following facilities:
> >
> > - Four mines at (-1, -2), (-1, +2), (+1, -2), and (+1, +2).
> > - Two orchards at (-1, -1) and (+1, +1).
> > - Two farms at (-1, +1) and (+1, -1).
> >
> > [ This would make the landscape look something like this:
> >
> >  land type    facils.
> >   -21012+     -21012+
> >  +       +   +       +
> >  1 wbbbb 1   1 MF.OM 1
> >  0 wwwbb 0   0 ..... 0
> >  1 wwwbb 1   1 MO.FM 1
> >  -       -   -       -
> >   -21012+     -21012+ ]
> >
> > Set the locations of all players to (0, 0).
> >
> > Make Trigon the Cartographor.
> >
> > [ PART V: Replace shinies. ]
> >
> > Replace all occurances of "shiny" and "shinies" in the ruleset in the
> > order they appear with "coin" and "coins" respectively.
> >
> > //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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