I do not consent to abiding by any rule stating that I cannot register as a player.

I register as a player.

I free-CFJ on the following statement: "ATMunn is a player."


Rule 869 states that "An Unregistered person CAN (unless explicitly forbidden or prevented by the rules) register by publishing a message that indicates reasonably clearly and reasonably unambiguously that e intends to become a player at that time. A player CAN deregister (cease being a player) by announcement. If e does so, e CANNOT register or be registered for 30 days."

This reasonably implies that if a player deregisters, e is not allowed to register again for 30 days.

The problem arises when you look at the very next paragraph: "A person, by registering, agrees to abide by the Rules. The Rules CANNOT otherwise bind a person to abide by any agreement without that person's willful consent."

Before I sent this message, I was not a player. Therefore, the rules CANNOT bind me to abide by them. This means that I do not have to abide by the rule stating that I cannot register.

There is also the statement in a later paragraph stating a similar thing: "The Rules CANNOT compel non-players to act without their express or reasonably implied consent."

I clearly did not give consent to the rules compelling me to not be able to register, so they CANNOT compel me to do so by the above rule.

So, I call for a verdict of TRUE. Feel free to argue away.

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