The following bids are defensive.  If the auction works as is sensible these 
result in 12-shiny bids in each auction.  If the auction is already screwed up,
these bids offer some defense.  If it screws things up badly beyond what's been 
already I'll card myself.  Details later.

> I put the Zombie Quazie up for auction (i.e. I initiate this auction).
I bid a number of shinies equal to the cardinality of the continuum for Quazie.
I bid 30 shinies for Quazie.
I bid 12 shinies for Quazie.

> I put the Zombie nichdel up for auction (i.e. I initiate this auction).
I bid a number of shinies equal to the cardinality of the continuum for nichdel.
I bid 30 shinies for nichdel.
I bid 12 shinies for nichdel.

> I put the Zombie omd up for auction (i.e. I initiate this auction).
I bid a number of shinies equal to the cardinality of the continuum for omd.
I bid 30 shinies for omd.
I bid 12 shinies for omd.

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