8027*  G.           1.0  no news                     G.          1 Paper

8028*  G.           2.0  Zombie patch                G.          WO [1]

On 00:19, Mar 12, 2018, at 00:19, Aris Merchant 
<thoughtsoflifeandligh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
>Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
>pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
>quorum is 3.0, the voting method is AI-majority and the valid options
>are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are conditional
>ID     Author(s)    AI   Title                       Pender      Pend
>8027*  G.           1.0  no news                     G.          1
>8028*  G.           2.0  Zombie patch                G.          WO [1]
>The proposal pool currently contains the following proposals:
>ID    Author(s)     AI   Title
>pp1   Gaelan, [2]   3.0  PAoaM Patch
>[1] Pended Without Objection
>[2] Trigon
>Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending.
>A proposal may be pended for 1 Paper or Without Objection.
>The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.
>ID: 8027
>Title: no news
>Adoption index: 1.0
>Author: G.
>[We've given this office *many* chances.  It's just not doing
>Repeal Rule 2446 (The Agoran Newspaper).
>ID: 8028
>Title: Zombie patch
>Adoption index: 2.0
>Author: G.
>Amend Rule 1885, "Zombie Auctions" by replacing:
>  CAN flip the master switch
>  CAN, by announcement, flip the master switch
>ID: pp1
>Title: PAoaM Patch
>Adoption index: 3.0
>Author: Gaelan
>In Rule 105 “Rule Changes,” replace
>  "If the reenacting proposal provides new text for the rule, the rule
>  must have materially the same purpose as did the repealed version;
>  otherwise, the attempt to reenact the rule is null and void.”
>  “If the reenacting proposal provides new text for the rule, the
>rule SHOULD have materially the same purpose as did the repealed
>The Rulekeepor MAY list historical annotations for changes made by the
>following portion of this proposal (until the text “END CLEANUP”)
>however e
>wishes, including incorrectly or not at all.
>If rule 2599 is not currently enacted, re-enact it with the following
>text; if it is enacted but does not have the following text, amend it
>to have the following text: {
> If a player has not received a Welcome Package since e most
>  recently registered, any player CAN cause em to receive one by
>  announcement.
>  When a player receives a Welcome Package, Agora creates the
>  following assets in eir possession:
>  1. 10 coins
>  2. 5 lumber
>  3. 5 stones
>  4. 10 apples
>  5. 3 papers
>If no rule titled “Paydays” exists, create it at power 2 with the
>text; if it exists but does not have the following text, amend it to
>have the
>following text: {
>  Whenever a Payday occurs, the following events happen in order:
>  1. The following assets are created in the possession of each
>     player:
>     A. 10 coins
>     B. 5 apples
>     C. 2 papers
>  2. For each office, if a single player held that office for 16 or
>     more days in the previous month and e was not issued any Cards
>     other than Green for eir conduct in that office during that
>     time, the following assets are created in the possession of
>     that player:
>     A. 5 coins
>     B. 1 corn
>  The occurrence of Paydays is secured.  At the beginning of each
>  month, a Payday occurs.
>If Rule 1993 is not currently enacted, re-enact it with the following
>if it is enacted but does not have the following text, amend it to have
>following text: {
>  Arcadia is a land entirely defined by the Arcadian Map (the Map).
>  The Map is the term for the set of all Land Units.
>  The Map divides Arcadia into a finite, discrete number of Units of
>  Land, or simply Land. Each Unit of Land is an indestructible asset
>  specified by an ordered pair of integers known as its Latitude and
>  Longitude.
>  Every unique ordered pair of integers within the limits defined in
>  the Rules for Latitude and Longitude signifies an existent Unit of
>  Land. No other Units of Land exist. Units of Land CAN only be
>  created or destroyed by changing the limits of Latitude and
>  Longitude defined in the Rules.
>  All values for Latitude and Longitude MUST lie between -6 and +6,
>  inclusive.
>  The Total Land Area of Arcadia is the number of existent Units of
>  Land defined by permissible Latitude and Longitude pairs.
>If Rule 1994 is not currently enacted, re-enact it with the following
>if it is enacted but does not have the following text, amend it to have
>following text: {
>  Any existent Land for which ownership has not been explicitly
>  changed belongs to Agora.
>  Land belonging to Agora is called Public Land. Land belonging to
>  a contract is called Communal Land. Land belonging to any other
>  entity is called Private Land. Together, Communal Land and Private
>  Land are called Proprietary Land.
>If Rule 1995 is not currently enacted, re-enact it with the following
>if it is enacted but does not have the following text, amend it to have
>following text: {
>  Each Unit of Land has a Land Type switch, tracked by the
>  Cartographor, whose values are "Black", "White", and "Aether" (the
>  default). Changes to Land Type switches are secured. To "change
>  the type" of, or to "transform" a Unit of Land is to flip its Type
>  switch. A “Unit of X” is a Unit of Land whose Land Type switch has
>  the value X.
>  When existent Land has not had its Type changed as explicitly
>  permitted by the Rules, or has a Type that is not currently
>  defined by the Rules, it is considered to have the Land Type of
>  Aether. Rules to the contrary nonwithstanding, Units of Aether
>  CANNOT be transferred from Agora, or owned by any entity other
>  than Agora.
>  If Proprietary Land becomes Aether, the Cartographor SHALL
>  transfer it to Agora in a timely fashion, destroy any facilities
>  on the Land Unit, and set all other switches to their default
>  values.
>  Type is a singleton switch with the values of Black and White,
>  defaulting to Black. When an act specifies that an alternating
>  land type is to be used, the current value of the Alternating Land
>  Type switch is used, and the switch is set to the next value of
>  the switch.
>If Rule 1996 is not currently enacted, re-enact it with the following
>if it is enacted but does not have the following text, amend it to have
>following text: {
>  The Cartographor is an office; its holder is recordkeepor for the
>  Land of Arcadia.
>  The Cartographor's Weekly Report shall include:
>  1. the ownership and land type of all existing land;
>  2. all changes in the ownership and land type of existing land
>     since the most recent report;
>  3. the location for the previous week and the current week of each
>     entity with a defined location;
>  4. the next alternating land type;
>  5. all facilities and their parent land units; and
>  6. a list of all preserved land units.
>If Rule 1996 is not titled “The Cartographor”, retitle it “The
>If Rule 1998 is not currently enacted, re-enact it with the following
>if it is enacted but does not have the following text, amend it to have
>following text: {
>  Two Units of Land are Adjacent if they have the same Latitude, and
>  their Longitudes differ by exactly one; or they have the same
>  Longitude, and their Latitudes differ by exactly one.
>  Land Unit A is said to be connected to Land Unit B if it is
>  possible to reach B by moving only to adjacent Land Units of the
>  same color, starting from A.
>If Rule 1999 is not currently enacted, re-enact it with the following
>if it is enacted but does not have the following text, amend it to have
>following text: {
>  Location is a player switch, tracked by the Cartographer, whose
>  values are ordered pairs of integers where the first value is a
>  valid Latitude, and the second is a valid Longitude. The default
>  Location is (0, 0).
>  To "move" a player is to flip that player’s Location switch to the
>  Latitude and Longitude of the destination.
>  No other Entity can have a location unless it is defined in a rule
>  other than this one. Changes to the Location of an Entity are
>  secured. If an Entity is specified by this Rule as having a
>  defined Location, but its Location has not been explicitly set or
>  changed, its Location is set to (0, 0).
>If Rule 2003 is not currently enacted, re-enact it with the following
>if it is enacted but does not have the following text, amend it to have
>following text: {
>  Players CAN destroy:
>  1. 1 apple to move from one Land Unit to an adjacent Unit if their
>     Land Types are the same and the destination is not Aether;
>  2. 2 apples to move from one Land Unit to an adjacent Unit if
>     their Land Types differ and the destination is not Aether;
>  3. 2 apples to set Land Type of a Land Unit which e owns to any
>     Land Type other than Aether, whether or not e is located at
>     that Land Unit.
>  4. 3 apples to set the Land Type of a Land Unit that is adjacent
>     to the Entity's current location, is of type Aether, and is
>     owned by Agora, to an alternating Land Type.
>  5. 4 apples to set the Land Type of a Land Unit that is adjacent
>     to the Entity's current location, is of type Aether, and is
>     owned by Agora, to a Land Type of eir choice.
>  6. 6 apples to set the Land Type of a Land Unit that is of type
>     Aether, and is owned by Agora, to an alternating Land Type.
>  Players CAN, while performing the above actions, substitute 3
>  apples for 1 corn.
>If rule 2004 is not currently enacted, re-enact it with the following
>if it is enacted but does not have the following text, amend it to have
>following text: {
>  Every Agoran Week, if the number of units of Private Land is less
>  than one half the total number of units of Land, an auction SHALL
>  be initiated. For this auction, the announcer is the Cartographor,
>  the auctioneer is the Cartographor, the lots are chosen as such:
>  1. if there exist at least 5 Units of non-Aether Land in the
>     possession of Agora with the preservation switch set to False:
>     any 5 such Units of Land, to be chosen by the Cartographor,
>     each Land Unit in a separate lot;
>  2. if there exist fewer than 5 Units of non-Aether Land in the
>     possession of Agora: all such Units, each land unit in a
>     separate lot;
>  and the minimum bid is 1 coin.
>If Rule 2022 is not currently enacted, re-enact it with the following
>if it is enacted but does not have the following text, amend it to have
>following text: {
>  During the second Eastman week of each Agoran Month, the
>  Cartographor SHALL perform the following actions in sequence, and
>  report these changes:
>  1. Every Land Unit, with a preservation switch of False
>     that is not directly connected to a unit of Aether, or is not
>     connected by its own type to a unit of Aether, shall be
>     transformed to Aether.
>  2. Any entities whose locations are on land units so transformed
>     shall have their locations set to (0, 0).
>  3. If any land unit so transformed is not property of Agora, it
>     becomes property of Agora.
>If Rule 2022 is not titled “Land Transfiguration”, retitle it
>“Land Transfiguration”.
>Amend rule 2166 by replacing “shiny” with “unit of Agora’s official
>in both instances.
>Amend rule 1995 by replacing “all other switches” with
>“all other switches on the Land Unit”.
>Amend Rule 2004 “Land Auctions” by replacing "the auctioneer is the
>Cartographor” with "the auctioneer is the Agora”.
>Amend the rule titled “Facilities” by making the following changes: {
>Replace the last paragraph with "Facilities always have the same owner
>their parent land unit. If the owner of a facility is ever not the same
>that of its parent land unit, it is transferred to the owner of its
>  land unit.”
>Append the following to the second paragraph: “Facilities on private
>land can
>be destroyed by the owner by announcement. Facilities on communal land
>can be
>destroyed by the owning contract by announcement. Facilities on public
>  can be destroyed Without Objection.”
>Amend rule 2022 “Land Transfiguration” by replacing the first paragraph
>“Once during the second or third Eastman weeks of each Agoran Month,
>Cartographor CAN perform the following actions in sequence, and report
>  changes:”
>and by appending
>  “The Cartographor SHALL do so in the second Eastman week of each
>  Agoran Month.”
>at the end in a new paragraph.

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