I levy the following fines for the finger-pointings below:

> Corona, for Treasuror (last on May 5).
2 Blots (2nd consecutive offence), Unforgivable (minimal work in May).

> Trigon, for Cartographer (last on May 4).
2 Blots (2nd consecutive offence), Unforgivable (minimal work in May).

> Kenyon, for Rulekeepor (last Apr 7).
3 Blots (substantial impact on game, very very late), Unforgivable 
(no work in May).

> Murphy, for ADoP (last on May 8).
1 Blot, unforgivable (minimal work in May).

> Murphy, for Arbitor (last on May 7).
1 Blot, unforgivable (minimal work in May).

> V.J. Rada, for Notary (last on May 13).
1 Blot, forgivable.

On Tue, 29 May 2018, Kerim Aydin wrote: 
> On behalf of ATMunn (via contract) I point the finger at the 
> following players for missing a weekly report last week (i.e.
> for reports due by end of May 27th):
> Corona, for Treasuror (last on May 5).
> Trigon, for Cartographer (last on May 4).
> Kenyon, for Rulekeepor (last Apr 7).
> Murphy, for ADoP (last on May 8).
> Murphy, for Arbitor (last on May 7).
> V.J. Rada, for Notary (last on May 13).

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