This is a judgement of CFJ 3640, the statement of which is "FAILED
QUORUM was awarded a Medal of Honor". In May 2018, an Agoran Decision
validly began to select either Aris or ATMunn as receiving a Medal of
Honor. The Decision did not reach quorum.

The language used in the Medal of Honor rule says that the outcome of
the Agoran Decision will be awarded a Medal of Honor. The outcome of
that Decision was unambiguously FAILED QUORUM. Therefore, the rule
unambiguously required a medal to be awarded to FAILED QUORUM.

However that's not the end of things. Medals of Honor are assets, in
fact currencies, which have restricted ownership. The rule Assets
operates at a higher power than Medals of Honor and bans assets being
owned by anything other than players, contracts and Agora. Therefore,
the Herald COULD NOT award a medal of honour here. However, the Herald
was _still_ obligated by the SHALL to do so. This is a rare example of
a SHALL and a CAN in contradiction.

FAILED QUORUM has no Medal of Honour, this CFJ is FALSE.

>From V.J. Rada

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