I submit and pend the following proposal:

Title: Criminal Justice Adjustments Act
AI: 2
Author: D Margaux

[Purpose is to streamline and clarify the conditions under
which fines can be imposed; make it possible to impose
fines after 14 days when a finger is pointed within 14 days;
and to clarify the time period for imposing fines when it is
based on the failure to meet a deadline]

Amend Rule 2531 (Referee Accountability) to replace this text:

"Any attempt to levy a fine is INEFFECTIVE if it does not include
(1) value of the fine in blots, (2) the name of the person being
fined (the perp), and (3) the specific reason for the fine, or if
it attempts to levy a fine on a person for an action or inaction
which e (more likely than not) did not commit, or if it attempts
to levy a fine for an action or inaction which is not prohibited
by law, or if it attempts to levy a fine with a value which is
blatantly and obviously unsuited to the conduct which constitutes
the reason for its levy or to the person to which it is being
levied, or if it is made more than 14 days after the conduct
constituting the reason for the fine, or if it attempts to levy a
fine to a player who has already been levied a fine for the
conduct constituting the reason for the levy, or if it attempts to
levy a fine on a zombie for an action that its master performed on
its behalf."

with this text:

"Any attempt to levy a fine is INEFFECTIVE if:

     (1) it does not include value of the fine in blots, the name
         of the person being fined (the perp), and the specific
         reason for the fine;

     (2) it attempts to levy a fine on a person for an action or
         inaction which e (more likely than not) did not commit;

     (3) it attempts to levy a fine for an action or inaction
         which is not prohibited by law;

     (4) it attempts to levy a fine with a value that is blatantly
         and obviously unsuited to the conduct which constitutes
         the reason for its levy or to the person on whom it is
         being levied;

     (5) it attempts to levy a fine (i) by summary judgement more
         than 14 days after the action constituting the reason
         for the fine or (ii) based upon the investigation of
         of a Finger that had been Pointed more than 14 days
         after the action constituting the reason for the fine;

     (6) it attempts to levy a fine on a player for failing to
         take an action within the time period set by the Rules
         and that time period had expired (i) more than 14 days
         prior to the attempted fine, if the attempted fine is
         imposed by summary judgement or (ii) more than 14 days
         prior to the Pointed Finger, if the fine is imposed
         based on an investigation of such Finger;

     (7) it attempts to levy a fine on a player who has already
         been fined for the conduct constituting the reason for
         the levy; or

     (8) it attempts to levy a fine on a zombie for an action
         that its master performed on its behalf."

D. Margaux

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