G. wrote:

I CFJ, barring D. Margaux:
    D. Margaux won by apathy in the message referred to in evidence.
[this was later identified as CFJ 3676 and assigned to me]


Message in question:

Original intent:

Judge's arguments:
[caller's arguments, rather]

I don't think something that's within a reply, within parentheses,
in quotations, meets the standard of clarity for an action intent.

On Sat, 20 Oct 2018, D. Margaux wrote:
So, here’s a description of the most recent wins/attempted wins:

The most recent attempted win was this message, where I tried to win by apathy: 
  I think that that buried intent maybe worked—the intent was clearly labeled a 
“new msg” with that specific date, rather than part of the history that it was 
embedded in.  I actually don’t think there’s an open CFJ about that.

I accept the caller's arguments and judge FALSE. In particular,
D. Margaux intentionally used a misleading form factor that causes some
mail readers to hide some or all of the relevant text by default, and
was presumably aware of same. This is a concrete step beyond merely
burying a separate paragraph in the middle of a long report.

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