I CoE this report: "D. Margaux did not judge CFJ 3672, so e possesses only 636 
I CoE this report: "Trigon did not judge CFJ 3672, so e possesses only 35 
In response to both these CoEs, I cite CFJ 3681.

Notice of Honour:
-1 G. (not having properly judged CFJ 3681 yet)
+1 天火狐 (being an obedient zombie)


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Sunday, November 11, 2018 4:49 PM, Timon Walshe-Grey <m...@timon.red> wrote:

> Date of this weekly report: 2018-11-11
> Date of last weekly report: 2018-10-30
> [Hopefully this is the last time I rearrange the report layout for a
> while! I'm fairly satisfied with it now.]
> ===============================================================================================================================================================================================================
> This section does not self-ratify.
> Asset class Recordkeepor
> Coins Treasuror (twg)
> Blots Referee (twg)
> =========================================================
> This section does not self-ratify due to a bug. See Proposal ####.
> Coins Active players
>       17    ATMunn
>       33    Aris
>        6    Corona
>       14    CuddleBeam
>      641    D. Margaux
>      426    G.
>       14    Gaelan
>       15    Hālian
>       15    L.
>       24    Murphy
>       16    omd
>       13    Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
>       15    Tarhalindur
>       40    Trigon
>       65    twg
> Coins Zombies
>        5    nichdel
>        0    pokes
>        5    Telnaior
>        0    天火狐
>       19    V.J. Rada
> Coins Non-player entities
>     1135    Agora
>       12    Lost and Found Department
> =================
> This section is purely informational and does not self-ratify.
> Entity Change Time (UTC) Reason
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> D. Margaux + 5c. 2018-11-10 20:05 Judged CFJ 3686
> D. Margaux + 5c. 2018-11-10 20:05 Judged CFJ 3685
> G. + 9c. 2018-11-06 00:10 Transfer from pokes
> pokes - 9c. 2018-11-06 00:10 Transfer to G.
> twg + 8c. 2018-11-05 21:01 Transfer from 天火狐
> 天火狐 - 8c. 2018-11-05 21:01 Transfer to twg
> Agora + 13c. 2018-11-05 20:55 Zombie auction (天火狐)
> twg - 13c. 2018-11-05 20:55 Zombie auction (天火狐)
> Agora + 25c. 2018-11-05 15:12 Zombie auction (pokes)
> G. - 25c. 2018-11-05 15:12 Zombie auction (pokes)
> Trigon + 5c. 2018-11-03 07:22 Judged CFJ 3684
> Trigon + 5c. 2018-11-03 07:22 Judged CFJ 3683
> G. + 5c. 2018-11-02 17:45 Judged CFJ 3680
> G. + 5c. 2018-11-02 17:45 Judged CFJ 3679
> twg + 5c. 2018-11-01 13:56 Judged CFJ 3677
> V.J. Rada + 5c. 2018-11-01 00:00 Payday
> twg + 25c. 2018-11-01 00:00 Payday (Assessor etc.)
> Trigon + 10c. 2018-11-01 00:00 Payday (Rulekeepor)
> 天火狐 + 5c. 2018-11-01 00:00 Payday
> Telnaior + 5c. 2018-11-01 00:00 Payday
> Tarhalindur + 5c. 2018-11-01 00:00 Payday
> P.S.S. + 5c. 2018-11-01 00:00 Payday
> pokes + 5c. 2018-11-01 00:00 Payday
> omd + 10c. 2018-11-01 00:00 Payday (Distributor)
> nichdel + 5c. 2018-11-01 00:00 Payday
> Murphy + 10c. 2018-11-01 00:00 Payday (ADoP)
> L + 5c. 2018-11-01 00:00 Payday
> Hālian + 5c. 2018-11-01 00:00 Payday
> Gaelan + 5c. 2018-11-01 00:00 Payday
> G. + 15c. 2018-11-01 00:00 Payday (Herald, Registrar)
> D. Margaux + 10c. 2018-11-01 00:00 Payday (Referee)
> CuddleBeam + 5c. 2018-11-01 00:00 Payday
> Corona + 5c. 2018-11-01 00:00 Payday
> Aris + 15c. 2018-11-01 00:00 Payday (Promotor, P.M.)
> ATMunn + 5c. 2018-11-01 00:00 Payday
> Tarhalindur + 10c. 2018-10-31 20:23 Welcome Package
> twg + 1c. 2018-10-31 16:32 Transfer from Gaelan
> Gaelan - 1c. 2018-10-31 16:32 Transfer to twg
> -- time of last report --
> G. + 5c. 2018-10-30 01:57 Judged CFJ 3681
> Trigon + 5c. 2018-10-30 01:38 Judged CFJ 3673
> Trigon + 5c. 2018-10-30 01:38 Judged CFJ 3672
> Trigon + 5c. 2018-10-30 01:38 Judged CFJ 3671
> Trigon + 5c. 2018-10-30 00:05 Judged CFJ 3670
> D. Margaux + 5c. 2018-10-29 14:11 Judged CFJ 3672
> D. Margaux + 5c. 2018-10-27 19:47 Judged CFJ 3652
> Gaelan + 10c. 2018-10-27 15:02 Welcome Package
> ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================
> This section is purely informational and does not self-ratify. The
> Treasuror accepts no responsibility for its inaccuracy or
> incompleteness.
> Saturday, October 27, 2018
> 14:26 Proposal 8110, "Delenda Est", is adopted, destroying all
> ore, stones, lumber, apples, cotton, corn, papers, fabric,
> steel and facilities. End of the Land of Arcadia subgame.
> Monday, October 22, 2018
> 00:00 Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.
> Saturday, October 20, 2018
> 16:54 Land Transfiguration occurs. All facilities owned by
> players are destroyed and their assets become property of
> the Lost and Found Department.
> 14:02 Hālian receives a Welcome Package of 10 coins, 5 lumber,
> 5 stones, 10 apples, 3 paper and 5 steel. L. receives a
> Welcome Package of 10 coins, 5 lumber, 5 stones, 10 apples,
> 3 paper and 5 steel.
> Tuesday, October 16, 2018
> 00:15 o, Kenyon, Quazie and Ouri are deregistered and their
> assets become property of the Lost and Found Department.
> Monday, October 15, 2018
> 00:00 Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.
> Thursday, October 11, 2018
> 23:42 The First Bank of Agora is terminated and its assets become
> property of the Lost and Found Department. G. transfers
> 1006 coins from the Lost and Found Department to emself.
> G. transfers 606 coins to D. Margaux.
> Monday, October 8, 2018
> 00:00 Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.
> Sunday, October 7, 2018
> 23:45 The Cartographor's weekly report of September 30, 2018
> self-ratifies. D. Margaux's orchard at (-3, 1) is destroyed.
> Tuesday, October 2, 2018
> 17:45 twg eats 12 apples. twg collects 45 corn from eir farm at
> (6, -2). twg eats 126 corn.
> 14:29 D. Margaux transfers 1 coin to nichdel. nichdel pays Agora
> 1 coin for a land unit.
> Monday, October 1, 2018
> 00:50 A batch of proposals are adopted.
> - 8080 "From each according to eir means v3": Gaelan
> transfers 10 coins to G. nichdel transfers 10 coins to
> D. Margaux. Telnaior transfers 30 coins to Aris. ATMunn
> loses 102 coins. Aris loses 154 coins. Corona loses 9
> coins. D. Margaux loses 49 coins. G. loses 100 coins.
> Murphy loses 122 coins. omd loses 54 coins. Publius
> Scribonius Scholasticus loses 65 coins. Trigon loses
> 84 coins. twg loses 396 coins. V.J. Rada loses 121
> coins. Kenyon loses 9 coins. o loses 36 coins. Ouri
> loses 27 coins. pokes loses 36 coins. Quazie loses 36
> coins. 天火狐は27コインを失う。
> - 8082 "Gamestate correction for July 2018": 54 apples
> and 54 lumber are created in Corona's possession.
> 00:00 Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.
> 00:00 Upkeep costs are due. No facilities are destroyed.
> 00:00 Payday! All players receive 10 coins, 5 apples and 2 papers.
> The following officers each receive 5 coins and 1 corn:
> - Associate Director of Personnel (Murphy)
> - Arbitor (Murphy)
> - Assessor (twg)
> - Cartographor (Trigon)
> - Distributor (omd)
> - Prime Minister (Aris)
> - Promotor (Aris)
> - Referee (D. Margaux)
> - Registrar (G.)
> - Tailor (twg)
> - Treasuror (twg)
> Sunday, September 30, 2018
> 23:05 D. Margaux transfers 30 coins to nichdel. D. Margaux
> transfers 606 coins to the First Bank of Agora. nichdel
> transfers 30 coins to D. Margaux.
> 23:02 G. transfers 400 coins to the First Bank of Agora.
> Saturday, September 29, 2018
> 23:40 D. Margaux pays 23 apples to move and collects
> 180 stones, 116 ore, 352 apples, 352 lumber, 78 corn and
> 72 cotton from eir facilities at (2, 2), (2, 1), (2, -1),
> (2, -2), (1, -2), (-2, 0), (-3, 0), (-4, 0) and (-5, 0).
> 12:34 D. Margaux pays 2 apples to move and collects 416 coins
> from eir refinery at (0, 2). D. Margaux pays 3 steel, 7
> lumber and 15 stones in upkeep costs.
> Friday, September 28, 2018
> 22:43 twg pays Agora 15 coins for a land unit. Kenyon pays Agora
> 1 coin for a land unit. Kenyon transfers 9 coins, 5 apples
> and 2 papers to twg.
> 21:54 Corona transfers 163 coins, 89 stones, 134 apples, 49 corn,
> 32 ore, 1 steel, 20 lumber, 39 papers, 233 fabric and eir
> facilities at (0, 2), (2, 2), (2, 1), (2, -1), (2, -2),
> (1, -2), (-2, 0), (-3, 0), (-4, 0) and (-5, 0) to
> D. Margaux.
> 19:32 D. Margaux transfers 3 apples to nichdel. nichdel pays 3
> apples to move and collects 12 corn and 12 cotton from D.
> Margaux's farm at (-2, 1). D. Margaux pays 2 lumber in
> upkeep costs and 5 stones to build an orchard at (-3, 1).
> D. Margaux collects 18 stones and 12 ore from eir mine at
> (-2, 2). nichdel transfers 12 corn, 5 steel, 8 papers and
> 12 cotton to D. Margaux.
> Tuesday, September 25, 2018
> 22:06 The Treasuror's weekly report of September 18, 2018
> self-ratifies, destroying 15 corn and 15 cotton in the
> possession of twg's farm at (6, 3).
> Monday, September 24, 2018
> 00:00 Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.
> Saturday, September 22, 2018
> 15:59 D. Margaux pays Agora 1 coin for a land unit. nichdel
> pays Agora 1 coin for a land unit.
> Monday, September 17, 2018
> 08:40 Proposal 8092, "Yet Another Economics Patch", is adopted,
> destroying all incense.
> 00:00 Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.
> Thursday, September 13, 2018
> 19:21 D. Margaux transfers 1 incense to Agora. D. Margaux
> transfers 1 incense to twg.
> Wednesday, September 12, 2018
> 21:19 twg pays 9 apples and 4 corn to move and set land types;
> collects 75 stones and 50 ore from eir mine at (-1, 2);
> and transfers 50 ore to Kenyon. Kenyon transfers 50 ore to
> twg's refinery at (6, -3).
> Tuesday, September 11, 2018
> 14:41 nichdel collects 24 stones and 16 ore from the mine at
> (1, 1). nichdel transfers 24 stones and 16 ore to
> D. Margaux.
> Monday, September 10, 2018
> 12:45 twg transfers 16 apples, 2 corn and 8 ore to Kenyon. Kenyon
> pays 16 apples and 2 corn to move and set land types;
> collects 30 stones, 20 ore, 45 apples and 45 lumber from
> the facilities at (-1, -1) and (5, 0); transfers 28 ore to
> twg's refinery at (6, -3); and transfers 30 stones, 45
> apples and 45 lumber to twg.
> 04:31 twg pays 16 apples and 2 corn to move and set land types;
> collects 75 corn and 72 cotton from the farms at (6, -2)
> and (1, -1); and pays 16 lumber, 17 stones, 18 steel and
> 4 fabric to build and upgrade a farm at (6, 3).
> 01:37 D. Margaux transfers 1 coin to nichdel.
> 00:00 Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.
> Sunday, September 9, 2018
> 17:48 nichdel pays 6 apples to move and transfers 14 apples, 5
> steel and 8 paper to D. Margaux. D. Margaux collects 3
> stones and 2 ore from eir mine at (-2, 2) and pays 3 steel
> and 2 lumber to upgrade it to Rank 2.
> 17:25 Gaelan transfers 77 coins, 14 stones, 43 apples, 2 corn, 6
> ore, 5 steel, 2 lumber and 16 papers to G.
> 17:17 D. Margaux pays Agora 1 coin for a zombie. nichdel
> transfers 40 coins to D. Margaux.
> 16:57 G. pays Agora 35 coins for a zombie.
> Wednesday, September 5, 2018
> 06:46 Aris pays Agora 30 coins for a zombie.
> Monday, September 3, 2018
> 00:00 Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.
> Saturday, September 1, 2018
> 20:04 D. Margaux pays 3 apples to stake a land claim and pays 5
> lumber to build a mine at (-2, 2).
> 00:00 Upkeep costs are due. The facilities at (3, -2), (4, -1),
> (4, 0), (3, 0), (2, 0), (3, 1) and (3, -1) are destroyed
> and their contents (64 ore, 96 stones, 72 lumber, 72 apples
> and 80 steel) become property of the Lost and Found
> Department.
> 00:00 Payday! All players receive 10 coins, 5 apples and 2 papers.
> The following officers each receive 5 coins and 1 corn:
> - Associate Director of Personnel (Murphy)
> - Arbitor (Murphy)
> - Assessor (twg)
> - Cartographor (Trigon)
> - Distributor (omd)
> - Herald (Publius Scribonius Scholasticus)
> - Prime Minister (Aris)
> - Promotor (Aris)
> - Speaker (Publius Scribonius Scholasticus)
> - Tailor (twg)
> - Treasuror (twg)
> Friday, August 31, 2018
> 21:00 Corona pays 3 steel, 7 lumber and 15 stones in upkeep
> costs.
> Wednesday, August 29, 2018
> 21:35 D. Margaux pays 5 apples to move and stake a land claim,
> collects 18 apples and 18 lumber from the orchard at
> (-1, 1) and pays 3 lumber and 4 stones to build a farm at
> (-2, 1).
> Monday, August 27, 2018
> 17:01 twg pays 12 stones, 12 lumber and 3 steel in upkeep costs.
> 00:00 Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.
> Saturday, August 25, 2018
> 22:02 D. Margaux receives a Welcome Package of 10 coins, 5
> lumber, 5 stones, 10 apples, 3 paper, 5 incense and 5
> steel.
> Thursday, August 23, 2018
> 23:12 twg pays Agora 1 coin for a land unit. twg collects 30
> apples and 30 lumber from the orchard at (5, 0). twg pays 3
> apples to move and pays 16 lumber, 17 stones, 18 steel and
> 4 fabric to build and upgrade a farm at (6, -2).
> Monday, August 20, 2018
> 00:00 Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.
> Thursday, August 16, 2018
> 05:58 Trigon pays Agora 1 coin for a land unit.
> Wednesday, August 15, 2018
> 08:36 G. transfers the facilities at (3, -2), (4, -1), (4, 0),
> (3, 0), (2, 0) and (3, -1), 106 stones, 131 apples, 24
> corn, 82 steel, 50 lumber, 37 papers, 3 cotton and 38
> fabric to Murphy.
> Monday, August 13, 2018
> 00:00 Start of a new week; assets are created in facilities.

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