I perform the following series of actions if and only if all of them are 

I transfer 5 coins to nichdel.

I act on D. Margaux’s behalf to act on nichdel’s behalf to create an auction 
with the following attributes:
One lot, containing 10 coins
Announcer: nichdel
Auctioneer: nichdel
Minimum bid: 1 Nothing
Currency: Nothings (from the contract I created)

I act on D. Margaux’s behalf to act on nichdel's behalf to transfer all of eir 
assets to myself.

I act on D. Margaux’s behalf to act on nichdel’s behalf to flip eir Master 
switch to emselves.

I award nichdel a welcome package.

I create a Nothing in my possession.

I bid 1 nothing in the above auction.


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