Argh. I fixed a typo below. This will be the official judgment reasoning:

On Feb 15, 2019, at 10:27 AM, D. Margaux <> wrote:

Judgement on this CFJ:
CFJ: Prior to calling this CFJ, G. earned 5 coins for judging CFJ 3698. 
“Stating” is undefined in the rules, and its meaning is somewhat ambiguous.  
The question is whether it should be taken to be a synonym for “publishing” or 
“announcing,” or if instead a statement in a nonpublic forum should be 
considered sufficient. Adopting the latter interpretation leads to absurd 
results; it makes it impossible to determine what the actual gamestate is. 
Nevertheless, I am constrained to judge this based solely on forward reasoning, 
and I note that the plain language meaning of “stating” includes statements to 
non-public fora. 
 G. now claims under penalty of No Faking that e made the required statement 
out loud privately to emself before publishing eir CFJ. I decline to take G.’s 
claim at face value, because I cannot independently verify it and because e 
could have easily made that statement in a verifiable way by posting it to a 
public or discussion forum. I don’t want to encourage such private statements 
which could make it difficult to determine what the gamestate is. 
There is insufficient information available to give a judgment. DISMISS. 
>  Arguments: R2496 reads in part: 
>  > A player CAN earn the set of assets associated with a reward 
>  > condition exactly once in a timely fashion each time e fulfills it 
>  > by stating how many assets e earns as a result of this action. 
> [...] 
>  > * Judging a CFJ that e was assigned to without violating a time 
>  > limit to do so: 5 coins. 
>  There's no public requirement whatsoever for "stating". Therefore I note as 
> evidence, under penalty of No Faking, that immediately after submitting my 
> timely judgement for CFJ 3698 (and confirming that it had reached the lists) 
> but before beginning to compose this message, I stated out loud to myself 
> that I earned 5 coins for the judgement.

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