On Tue, 2019-06-18 at 00:50 -0700, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> This is CFJ 3739.  I assign it to Falsifian.
> ===============================  CFJ 3739  ===============================
>        A person earns a Cyan Ribbon when e temporarily deputises for an
>        office.
> ==========================================================================
> Caller's Arguments:
> The "deputisation or by temporary deputisation" implies they're
> distinct things and not sub-categories, but the "unless the
> deputisation is temporary" implies one is a sub-category of the other
> (these are the only usages in the whole Ruleset of the term
> "temporary".
> It makes some kinda sense that a ribbon reward is reserved for when
> you actually take on an office, but I don't have a prejudice
> otherwise: FWIW when I wrote the "temporary" rule I didn't think about
> ribbons at all so there was no particular intent.
> ==========================================================================


The origin of the "you get a Cyan Ribbon for deputising" rule is older
than the "you gain an office by deputising for it" rule (although the
former hasn't been in the ruleset continuously, it was repealed for a
while and came back later). So at the time the concept was created,
deputising had no connotation of taking on the office at all, only of
helping to keep Agora running despite delinquency in the reports.


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