On Sun, 12 Jan 2020 at 22:34, Alexis Hunt via agora-business
<agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> For having earned a Blue Ribbon, I award myself 1 Coin.
> For having earned a Blue Ribbon, I award myself 2 Coins.
> For having earned a Blue Ribbon, I award myself 3 Coins.
> For having earned a Blue Ribbon, I award myself 4 Coins.
> For having earned a Blue Ribbon, I award myself 5 Coins.
> For having earned a Blue Ribbon, I award myself 6 Coins.
> For having earned a Blue Ribbon, I award myself 7 Coins.
> For having earned a Blue Ribbon, I award myself 8 Coins.
> For having earned a Blue Ribbon, I award myself 9 Coins.
> For having earned a Blue Ribbon, I award myself 10 Coins.
> For having earned a Blue Ribbon, I award myself 11 Coins.
> For having earned a Blue Ribbon, I award myself 12 Coins.
> For having earned a Blue Ribbon, I award myself 13 Coins.
> For having earned a Blue Ribbon, I award myself 14 Coins.
> For having earned a Blue Ribbon, I award myself 15 Coins.
> For having earned a Blue Ribbon, I award myself 16 Coins.
> For having earned a Blue Ribbon, I award myself 17 Coins.
> For having earned a Blue Ribbon, I award myself 18 Coins.
> For having earned a Blue Ribbon, I award myself 19 Coins.
> For having earned a Blue Ribbon, I award myself 20 Coins.
> For having earned a Blue Ribbon, I award myself 21 Coins.

Treasuror's notes (if I'm still Treasuror; I'm not fully caught up):

* As a result of this judgement, I believe Jason Cobb earned 18 Coins
rather than 18000 with eir December 7 scam message.

* Per my recent reply to the deputy Tailor's report, I believe Alexis
earned 12 Coins with the quoted sequence of Glitter attempts.

- Falsifian

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