I submit the following Dragon Corporation Amendment Proposals:

Presidential Elections

Replace the first paragraph of Bylaw 6: Recordkeeping with the following:
  A contract-defined office behaves as closely as possible to a regular office,
  except that:
  - its only salary is 5 banknotes once per payday
  - only members can hold it
  - only members can take, support, or object to actions that would change its
  - a person's voting strength in elections for it is equal to the
    number of shares e holds

  President of the Dragon Corporation is a contract-defined office.

Shorter Voting Periods

Replace the second paragraph of Bylaw 2: Proposals with the following:

  If a Corporate Proposal was submitted more than 4 but fewer than 21 days
  ago, and the proposal has approval (as defined in other bylaws), and the
  proposal has not been applied, then any member may, by announcement,
  apply the proposal, which has effects as defined in other bylaws.

If Bylaw 6: Recordkeeping contains an unordered list, add as a new item at
the end of that list the following:

  - Agoran decisions to select its holder have a voting period of 4 days


I vote FOR each.


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