On 6/14/20 8:38 AM, nch via agora-business wrote:
> {
> Contract: Co Dependents
> If there are less than 2 parties to this contract, any player CAN become
> a party to this contract. Any player CAN quit this contract with 1 day
> notice.
> The Pooled Cards are all rule defined cards.
> The Pooled Products are pendants and blot-b-gones.
> Once per day any party to this contract CAN transfer all Pooled Cards of
> one type owned by the other party. When e does so e SHALL transmute all
> cards of that type in eir possession immediately afterwards in the same
> message, and SHALL transfer half, rounded up, of the products made by
> that transmutation to the other party immediately afterwards in the same
> message.
> Once per day any party (A) CAN transfer X Pooled Products of a specified
> type to emself from the other party (B) where:
> * B must have more of the specified type than A,
> * X = half, rounded down, of B's number of the specified Pooled Product
>     type minus A's number of the specified Pooled Product type.
> Anyone who has ever violated a SHALL in this contract ceases to be a
> party to this contract.
> }

I destroy the above contract. [There was a bug that meant you could 
transfer the cards anywhere, not just to yourself.]

I become party to the following contract


Contract: Co Dependents

If there are less than 2 parties to this contract, any player CAN become
a party to this contract. Any player CAN quit this contract with 1 day

The Pooled Cards are all rule defined cards.

The Pooled Products are pendants and blot-b-gones.

Once per day any party to this contract CAN transfer all Pooled Cards of
one type owned by the other party to emself. When e does so e SHALL
transmute all cards of that type in eir possession immediately
afterwards in the same message, and SHALL transfer half, rounded up, of
the products made by that transmutation to the other party immediately
afterwards in the same message.

Once per day any party (A) CAN transfer X Pooled Products of a specified
type to emself from the other party (B) where:

* B must have more of the specified type than A,

* X = half, rounded down, of B's number of the specified Pooled Product
    type minus A's number of the specified Pooled Product type.

Anyone who has ever violated a SHALL in this contract ceases to be a
party to this contract.


Webmastor, NAX Exchange Manager, Pirate

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