On 7/21/2020 5:08 PM, Jason Cobb via agora-business wrote:
On 7/21/20 5:05 PM, ATMunn via agora-official wrote:
"Justice for hire" created by omd
Bearer: the Library

Cashing conditions: the bearer has transferred or granted Jason 1
Justice card in the same message as which e cashes this promise.

I transfer the bearer 15 coins.

CoE: PSS cashed this promise (and it was created by me).


I accept the above CoE and publish the following revision:

This is a continuation of the Notary's weekly report. Information about
contracts can be found in a separate message.

=============================== PLEDGES ================================

If any pledge(s) has/have no name currently, I assign it/them the
name(s) displayed in this report.

The following 15 pledges exist:

"You can make it happen, R. Lee!" created by Gaelan
Time of creation: 11 Mar 04:16 2020
Time window:      1 year
Time of expiry:   11 Mar 04:16 2021

I pledge to transfer 100 coins to R. Lee by the end of this pledge’s
time window if Peter Suber registers as a player. The time window
for this pledge is one year.

"G's encouragement" created by R. Lee
Time of creation: 3 Jun 03:24 2020
Time window:      3 months
Time of expiry:   3 Sep 03:24 2020

I pledge to pay G. (or any other player) all my coins and victory points
if e fills in all the gaps in the CFJ database in the years 2018 and
2019. Time window is 3 months.

"No Fraud, Becca" created by R. Lee
Time of creation: 3 Jun 03:34 2020
Time window:      3 months
Time of expiry:   3 Sep 03:34 2020

I also pledge not to transfer coins to other entities to avoid the above
pledge for the same time window of 3 months. Violating this pledge
shall be a class 8 crime.

"Don't touch the statute" created by Jason
Time of creation: 4 Jun 00:32 2020
Time window:      60 days
Time of expiry:   3 Aug 00:32 2020

I pledge not to change rule numbers in order to interfere with the
functioning of a statute for the period of 60 days.

"Offer for those interested in creating a bridge" created by P.S.S.
Time of creation: 22 Jun 22:50 2020
Time window:      60 days
Time of expiry:   21 Aug 22:50 2020

I will create a contract compensating the creator and maintainer of such
a bridge[1] with good uptime and usability after it has functioned for a
month. The compensation shall be no less than that received by a
competent, law-abiding officer or its reasonable equivalent in cards.

[1] context: https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/agora-business/2020-June/043564.html

"No power abuse" created by Jason
Time of creation: 23 Jun 23:20 2020
Time window:      60 days
Time of creation: 22 Aug 23:20 2020

If I acquire the office of Prime Minister, I pledge to exercise no
cabinet orders and to initiate an election within 7 days.

"No emergency regulations" created by Jason
Time of creation: 23 Jun 23:27 2020
Time window:      60 days
Time of creation: 22 Aug 23:27 2020

I pledge to issue no intents pertaining to emergency regulations if I
become Prime Minister.

"Honor in scammery" created by R. Lee
Time of creation: 30 Jun 14:26 2020
Time window:      60 days
Time of expiry:   29 Aug 14:26 2020

I pledge to transfer those 60 VP to G, giving em a win and the
speakership, within 24 hours after the indictments of me for Uncertain
Certification are resolved (I’m doing this so I can wipe my future blots
with the blot-b-gones without an economic reset, then I will give G. the
points and e will win like I promised). Violating this pledge shall be a
class 1000 crime.

"Honest officiating" created by ATMunn
Time of creation: 06 Jul 20:12 2020
Time window:      6 months
Time of expiry:   06 Jan 20:12 2021

I pledge not to include anything other than official duties in the same
message any official duties. This pledge shall be called "Honest
officiating" and shall have a time window of 6 months.

"Shiny loot" created by R. Lee
Time of creation: 08 Jul 00:26 2020
Time window:      60 days
Time of expiry:   06 Sep 00:26 2020

I pledge on pain of class 1 million crime that if this
intent succeeds, I will distribute X coins to each member of the
Plundership where X is the number of coins from that promise divided by the
number of members of the Plundership rounded down to the nearest integer,
then I will transfer any remaining coins to the Plundership.

"Mysterious hash" created by G.
Time of creation: 13 Jul 13:44 2020
Time window:      60 days
Time of expiry:   11 Sep 13:44 2020

I pledge to make a public statement (under penalty of no faking) that has
the following SHA-256 hash, in a timely fashion after Diplonomic ends, if
the identity of the writer has not been revealed in the mean time:


"definitely not bribery" created by ATMunn
Time of creation: 18 Jul 00:08 2020
Time window:      60 days
Time of expiry:   16 Sep 00:08 2020

I pledge that when the proposal "Contract Charities" passes, if no votes
were evaluated to AGAINST, I will transfer 100 coins to R. Lee.

"Pend it or withdraw it (temporary)" created by nix
Time of creation: 20 Jul 09:23 2020
Time window:      48 hours
Time of expiry:   22 Jul 09:23 2020

I submit the following proposal, and I pledge to either pend or withdraw
it within the next 48 hours: [...]

"Pend it or withdraw it" created by nix
Time of creation: 20 Jul 13:27 2020
Time window:      until the end of July
Time of expiry:   31 Jul 23:59 2020

I pledge to, until the end of this calendar month, either pend or
withdraw all proposals I submit within 48 hours of submitting them.

"Unmanipulativeness" created by R. Lee
Time of creation: 20 Jul 14:46 2020
Time window:      60 days
Time of expiry:   18 Sep 14:46 2020

Anyway I pledge that the dicelog was the first one I made and not

=============================== PROMISES ===============================

If any promise(s) has/have no name currently, I assign it/them the
name(s) displayed in this report.

The following promise exists:

"Treasure" created by omd
Bearer: the Lost and Found Department

I pay 200 coins to the bearer

friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

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