It has come to my attention that, unfortunately, the Prime Minister has
lost the confidence of the glorious Regulations of G.ravity.

I cause Second Regulation of G.ravity to remove the current Prime Minister
from Office.

Unfortunately, I also fear that the anti-democrats calling themselves a
democratic society, may attempt a move against the Regulations via
deputization, so the office cannot remain empty.

I cause Second Regulation of G.ravity to appoint myself to the office of
Prime Minister.

I respond to the recent petition to the Prime Minister as follows: "please
calm yourself citizens, these actions are unnecessary!"

To calm fears:  I pledge that I will not use the G.ravity regulations to
manipulate any office holding other than Prime Minister and possibly
Speaker.  Doing so to other offices would be stupid.

This move is strictly temporary.  I notice there is a free and fair
election for the office currently ongoing.  I invite prospective nominees
to share their positions on the great Regulations!


[Aside:  I don't think Emergency Regulations are necessarily overpowered
per se, but Prime mininster -> controls Emergency Regs -> Controls PM is
too unfortunate of a tidy logical loop to leave sitting there...]

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