I CFJ, barring R. Lee: "R. Lee's votes on the referendums on proposals
8549 and 8552-8555 were clearly specified."

Caller's arguments:

On the relevant decisions, R. Lee voted "I vote AGAINST all agoran
decisions that add overall text to the ruleset, and PRESENT on the
rest." This is clearly an attempted conditional vote. The question is
whether it is clearly specified under Rule 2127.

Per Rule 2127, they are clearly specified if and only if they were
determinate at the end of the voting period, and they are determinate if
the values can be "reasonably determined [...] from information
reasonably available" (the other possibilities clearly do not apply).

The information that this depends on is certainly "reasonably
available", as it is just the text of the proposals as well as the text
of the rules (assuming we are correct in our understanding of the text
of the rules, which is hopefully the case). This means that this case
depends on whether the vote can be "reasonably determined" from that

In general, evaluating proposals to determine whether they add or remove
text is arguably not "reasonably determined", as it involves evaluating
potentially arbitrary text. However, real distributions do not contain
proposals with arbitrary text, and the proposals in this specific
distribution are, individually, relatively easy to count characters
added/removed on. Perhaps that's sufficient for this specific case to be
considered "reasonable effort", but that's potentially opening a can of
worms for large, perhaps unreasonable, workloads for the Assessor.

Caller's evidence:

On Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 5:16 PM N. S. via agora-business
<agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> I vote AGAINST all agoran decisions that add overall text to the ruleset,
> and PRESENT on the rest.

Rule 2127/11 (Power=3)
Conditional Votes

      A conditional vote on an Agoran decision is a vote which indicates
      a vote based on some condition(s). A conditional vote is evaluated
      at the end of the voting period and, rules to the contrary
      notwithstanding, is clearly specified if and only if the value of
      the condition(s) is/are determinate at the end of the voting
      period. If the conditional is clearly specified, and evaluates to
      a valid vote, it is counted as that vote; otherwise, it is counted
      as PRESENT.
      Any vote which is clearly expressed as a conditional, e.g. "FOR if
      <X> is true, AGAINST otherwise", is a valid conditional vote that
      evaluates as specified.
      A vote endorsing another person is equivalent to a conditional
      vote evaluating to the vote specified in that person's valid
      ballot on the decision, if any.
      For an instant runoff decision, a vote consisting of a list, one
      or more entries of which are valid conditional votes, and the
      remaining entries of which are valid options, is a valid
      conditional vote. Such a vote is evaluated by evaluating each
      conditional entry to a list of votes (or an empty list, if it
      evaluates to PRESENT either directly or indirectly), and then
      concatenating those lists with the specified valid options in the
      order they occurred in the original vote.

Rule 2518/0 (Power=3)

      If a value CANNOT be reasonably determined (without circularity or
      paradox) from information reasonably available, or if it
      alternates indefinitely between values, then the value is
      considered to be indeterminate, otherwise it is determinate.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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