> There are four parties to the Obstructive Pooling contract. Three
> (ATMunn, Falsifian and Jason) consent.
> I enact the above amendment. (As a result, I believe nix is no longer a
> party.)
> I repeal the section "One-time reimbursement".
> I intend, without objection, to ratify the following document:

Without objection, I ratify the document quoted below.

> {{
> The parties to Obstructive Pooling are ATMunn, Falsifian and Jason.
> The text of the Obstructive Pooling contract reads in full:
> {
> --- Introduction ---
> This contract is for players to pool their Victory Cards and Points in
> order to prevent others from Taking Over the Economy, and also to aid
> exchanging Cards for Points.
> It's intended to work like this: one party (the Trustee) is entrusted
> with holding Victory Points and Victory Cards on behalf of others. The
> Trustee can freely transfer the duty to another party as long as e
> transfers the associated Cards and Points, so there shouldn't be any
> disadvantage to the role.
> --- Joining and leaving ---
> Any player CAN join this contract by announcement.
> Any player other than the Trustee (defined below) CAN leave this
> contract by announcement.
> --- Holding ---
> The Trust is a unique asset which can only be held by parties to this
> contract. Its owner is called the Trustee. Falsifian is the first
> Trustee.
> The Trustee SHALL NOT Take Over the Economy.
> The Trustee SHALL ensure at all times that e holds Victory Cards and
> Points with total value at least equal to the number of Decipoints in
> existence.
> The Trustee CAN transfer the Trust to any other party (the receiver) by
> transferring Victory Cards and Victory Points to the receiver with
> total value equal to the number of Decipoints in existence, so long as
> e does so for the sole purpose of transferring the Trust, and says so
> in eir message. It is IMPOSSIBLE to transfer the Trust in any other
> way.
> The Trustee SHOULD exchange four Victory Cards for ten Victory Points
> whenever possible.
> --- Banking ---
> Decipoints are a currency. A Victory Point is worth ten Decipoints and
> a Victory Card is worth 25 Decipoints.
> Any player CAN Deposit Victory Cards and/or Victory Points using
> either of the following two methods.
> (a) By transferring them to this contract.
> (b) By transferring them to the Trustee (defined below) for the sole
>     purpose of Depositing.
> When e does so, e gains the equivalent value in Decipoints.
> The Trustee CAN transfer Victory Cards and Victory Points from this
> contract to emself by announcement.
> Any player (the withdrawer) CAN act on behalf of the Trustee to
> transfer Victory Cards and/or Victory Points to the withdrawer with
> value up to the withdrawer's Decipoints balance; when the withdrawer
> does this, that value in Decipoints in eir possession is destroyed.
> If the Trustee attempts to deposit or withdraw, e is successful, even
> if no assets are transferred. (That is: the Trustee can freely grant
> emself Decipoints or destroy eir own Decipoints.)
> --- Resets ---
> Whenever all Victory Cards and Products are destroyed because a player
> Took Over the Economy, all Decipoints are destroyed as well.
> --- Reporting ---
> Any player can become The Accountant or cease being The Accountant by
> announcement. In other words, The Accountant is the last person to
> claim the role, if e has not left it since.
> The Accountant is the recordkeepor for the Trust and for Decipoints.
> --- Amendment ---
> Any player can propose an amendment to this contract by announcement.
> If an amendment was proposed at least two days ago, the Trustee
> consents to it, at least two thirds of the parties consent to it, and
> it has not yet been applied, then any party can enact it by
> announcement. When the amendment is enacted, first, non-consenting
> players cease to be parties to the contract, and then it is applied.
> }
> }}


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