On 6/17/2021 5:37 AM, Telna via agora-business wrote:
> On 2021-06-14 22:40, Kerim Aydin via agora-business wrote:
>> Do you really have any doubt that a finger pointed at me for failing to
>> respond to the petition wouldn't have succeeded?  We'll never know of
>> course.  But if I'd defended myself by saying "hey, that wasn't directed
>> at me as PM, it was directed at me as a person" that wouldn't have held
>> any water - the answer would be "you were the PM, you are you, there's no
>> ambiguity, what's the problem?"
>> If I had been the PM, I would have been forced to respond.  But since I
>> wasn't the PM, it's somehow retroactively ambiguous?  Punished if I am,
>> punished if I'm not.
>> -G.
> I support the motion to reconsider.

I intend to enter the judgement of CFJ 3916 into moot, with 2 support.


H. Judge ais523 has followed up to my intent to reconsider with some
discussion arguments, but I think eir semantic dissections are missing the
forest for the trees somewhat.  I think this one of the rare cases where a
moot/democracy may be a better determinate of resolving the controversy.

It is a matter of post-hoc justification for Agora to consider - if I had
been PM at the time of the petition and didn't respond, would Agora have
considered it a formal petition, and therefore a penalty?

When I thought I was PM back in February, and had counterscammers arrayed
against me, I had no doubt they would use every tool in their arsenal,
including this one.  But maybe I'm wrong!  Hence, perhaps, a polling moot.


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