I amend (as the only party), the contract "Lee's Card Shop" so that it has
the following text.
{Any player may join or leave this contract at any time, by announcement.

Any party may act on behalf of R. Lee to execute the following transfers,
after transferring the specified assets to R. Lee. If R. Lee or the buyer
does not have any of the assets required to make a certain transfer, that
transfer cannot be made.

R. Lee can unilaterally add or subtract transfers to the following list at
any time - but not in order to thwart a transfer in progress or already

1. R Lee gives 300 coins, R. Lee receives a Legislative Card
2. R. Lee gives a Victory Card, R. Lee receives 4000 coins
3. R. Lee gives 80 coins, R. Lee receives 2 pendants.
4. R. Lee gives a Legislative Card, R. Lee receives a Victory Card.}
>From R. Lee

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