On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 02:03:34PM -0700, Edward Murphy via agora-official 
> I initiate an Agoran decision to eslect the winner of the election for Prime
> Minister.
>   * The Vote Collector is the ADoP (me).
>   * The valid options are ais523, ATMunn, G., R. Lee, and anyone else
>     who becomes a candidate before voting ends.
>   * The voting method is instant runoff.

I become a candidate for Prime Minister.

I vote as follows: [Falsifian, ais523, R. Lee, ATMunn, G.].

Election speech: I'm so slow with Agora I didn't get around to
nominating myself until now, so I probably don't have time to come up
with any clever scams involving PM. Agora will be safe in my hands!


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