On 7/12/21 4:59 PM, Falsifian via agora-discussion wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 04:28:51PM -0400, Jason Cobb via agora-business wrote:
>> I propose the following amendment to Obstructive Pooling:
>> {
>> After the paragraph containing "The Accountant is the recordkeepor for
>> the Trust and for Decipoints.", insert the following paragraph: "When
>> publishing a report on Decipoints, the Accountant SHALL include the
>> unencumbered point total, defined as the number of victory points the
>> Trustee possesses, minus one tenth of the number of Decipoints not owned
>> by the Trustee."
>> }
>> I consent to this amendment.
>> -- 
>> Jason Cobb
> Two comments:
> - The unencumbered point total should probably include the point
>   equivalent in the Trustee's Victory Cards, as well as Victory
>   Products owned by the contract, since the Trustee has ready access to
>   both.
> - Since the Accountant is a voluntary role, I suggest SHOULD rather
>   than SHALL. A lazy report is better than nothing.

Both good points. I withdraw consent for this amendment.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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