On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 9:31 AM D. Wet via agora-business
<agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> I propose to create a new Rule in the Agoran commmunity to be adopted
> according to the current rule adoption procedure. The Rule is:
> Onboarding of Newly Activated Players
> 1. Newly Activated Players MUST be requested to take their first Action
> in a timely fashion after being switched to Active.
> 2. Players that are Active less than one month MUST actively be educated
> when their Action is IMPOSSIBLE within the current Ruleset.
> 3. The education in referred to in 2. MUST contain references to N
> specific Rules numbers as to why their Action is ILLEGAL within the
> current Ruleset. N is at least 1 and at most 3 and NEED NOT to lead to a
> POSSIBLE Action when taken into account during the next try to act.

I remove this proposal from the pool. This is a purely clerical action
to clarify the gamestate, and you should feel to resubmit less

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