On 9/22/21 9:55 AM, nix via agora-business wrote:
> When the contract has 4 cards of each type, nix CAN Distribute The Loot by:
> * Transfering all cards and coins to emself.
> * Making products with all the cards.
> * Transfering 2 of each product to each other member of the contract.
> * Randomly transfering 2 of the remaining products to each other member.
> * Transfering (for emself, keeping) the maximum even split of the coins
> to each member of the contract that did not receive a victory point. If
> there's leftover coins, e keeps em for eir trouble.
> * Destroying the contract

The contract has 4 members so:

I transfer all cards (4 of each type) and coins (1000 cn) in the
contract to myself.

I pay 4 Victory Cards to make 10 Victory Points.

I pay 4 Justice Cards to make 10 Blot-B-Gones.

I pay 4 Legislative Cards to make 10 Pendants.

I pay 4 Voting Cards to make 10 Extra Votes.

I transfer 2 VP, 2 BBG, 2 Pendants, and 2 XVs to ATMunn.

I transfer 2 VP, 2 BBG, 2 Pendants, and 2 XVs to Jason.

I transfer 2 VP, 2 BBG, 2 Pendants, and 2 XVs to Cuddlebeam.

This leaves me with 4 of each.

I chose randomly with Agorabot.

I transfer 2 XVs to ATMunn.

I transfer 2 pendants to Cuddlebeam.

I transfer 1 BBG and 1 VP to Jason.

This leaves me with 3 VP, 3 BBG, 2 Pendants, and 2 XVs.

Two players didn't get VPs so they get to split the pot.

I transfer 500 cn to ATMunn. I transfer 500 cn to Cuddlebeam.

I destroy the contract.


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