I was going to wait on this, but since glitter is already gone I'll go
for it. I submit the following proposal:

Title: Stamps
AI: 1
Author: nix

Enact a new Power=1 rule titled "Stamps" with the following text:

     Stamps are a category of asset ownable by players and Agora. The
     Collector is an office. The Collector tracks Stamps in eir weekly

     For each person there is a type of stamp named X Stamp, where X is
     that person's name.

     Any player CAN pay 3 boatloads of coins to grant emself 1 X Stamp,
     where X is emself.

     Any player CAN pay 1 X Stamp, where X is emself, to grant emself 1
     boatload of coins.

     Any player CAN pay 1 X Stamp, where x is not emself, to grant emself
     2 boatloads of coins.

     Any player CAN win by paying N Stamps, where N is the current number
     of registered players and each specified Stamp is a different type.

nix becomes the Collector.


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