On Sun, 2022-04-17 at 20:18 +0100, ais523 via agora-business wrote:
> I grant myself a Justice Card.

(Note: this message contains additional actions after the call of the

I call for judgement on the statement "I CAN grant Aspen a Justice Card
by announcement."

Evidence: the above-quoted message, and:
I pointed the most Fingers that lead to a Warning/Indictment/CHoJ last
week (two Unjustified Gesticulations were resolved this way last
Sunday; the previous such Finger resolution was the Sunday previous).
Additionally, I am Compliance-focused. I didn't grant myself a Justice
Card using my focus earlier this month, nor a Justice Card using
finger-point resolutions earlier this week.

The rules state that I CAN perform the action of granting myself a
Justice Card by announcement. Rule 2624 says that I CAN do this. Rule
2478 also says that I CAN do this. There's no contradiction there;
rather, the rules are in agreement with each other, and as such I CAN
do it.

They are somewhat less clear, however, about what the consequences of
doing so are. Rule 2624 permits the action to be performed once per
month. Rule 2478 is a little ambiguous, but most people interpret it as
allowing the action to be performed once per relevant week. Are these
rules contradicting each other with regards to how often the action can
be performed? Or are they defining two different actions? If so, which
one did I take? (Both?) There doesn't seem to be a requirement in the
rules to state which rule permits me to take a particular action, in
order to perform it by announcement.

On the other hand, rule 2624 is a little more general than rule 2478
when it comes to specifying the parameters of the action; rule 2624
allows me to grant the Justice Card to anyone, and 2478 only to myself.
(Does that matter? If so, how?) The statement of this CFJ therefore
depends on whether rule 2624 still permits me to take the action (as
opposed to rule 2478).


In case it helps resolve ambiguity:

I grant myself a Justice Card using the mechanism in rule 2624.
I grant myself a Justice Card using the mechanism in rule 2478.
(Either of these actions might fail due to having been performed


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